From the Archivist to You

Biography of Adrienne Thomas, Acting Archivist of the United States

Adrienne C. Thomas is currently the Acting Archivist of the United States. Prior to her appointment as Acting Archivist in December 2008, Ms. Thomas served as the Deputy Archivist of the United States since January 2008. Ms. Thomas has been with the National Archives for 38 years, beginning as an archivist trainee in the Office of Presidential Libraries and subsequently holding a number of policy and administrative roles.

From 1994 to 2008, Ms. Thomas was the Assistant Archivist for Administration and Chief Financial Officer, with responsibility for the agency's financial and budget operations as well as space and security management, procurement, human resources, and the management of both the National Archives Building in Washington, DC, and the College Park, Maryland, facility. In this role she oversaw the successful completion of the College Park facility, the renovation of National Archives Building, and the building of a new regional archives facility in Atlanta. Prior to 1994, Ms. Thomas was the Deputy to the Assistant Archivist for Administrative Services and for 10 years served as the Director of the Planning and Analysis Division in the Office of the Executive Director. She is a graduate of Iowa State University with a Masters degree in American history.

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