New push to protect Wasatch canyons
Salt Lake County now boasts more than a million people, with many of them visiting the Wasatch Mountains to ski, hike, bike and climb. And that population will double in the next 30 years. Full Story

Utah eco-fugitive in court Friday on new charges
Utah fugitive Larkin Baggett is scheduled to appear in federal court in Miami on Friday on charges of illegally possessing a firearm and assaulting law enforcement officers in Florida. Full Story

Kirby: Did we Mormons baptize your deceased loved one? I can help
With the revelation that President Barack Obama's mama may now be a Mormon, the LDS practice of baptism for the dead is once again in the news. Stanley Ann Dunham, who died in 1995, was baptized by proxy recently in an LDS temple. Full Story

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Monson: Stay thirsty, Jazz fans
Twittering all Jazz fans ... Hope these tweets -- text bursts of 140 characters or less, for the uninitiated -- find you well. As well as can be under the circumstances. Full Story

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Stress tests find 10 big banks need $75B more
Washington » The government's long-awaited "stress-test" results have found that 10 of the nation's 19 largest banks need a total of about $75 billion in new capital to withstand losses if the recession worsened. Full Story

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Pandemic practice
Don't let down your guard. Keep washing your hands and coughing into your sleeve and keeping your distance from those who appear ill. But go ahead and exhale. Full Story

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Murray mayor's lip hair launches shave-or-save battle
Murray » The mayor Murray says he has little choice but to shave his nearly foot-long handlebar mustache for a children's charity. Dan Snarr is putting the decision to a vote of residents and says his fashion statement is "getting creamed. Full Story

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Miss Saigon Preview
Pioneers Theatre Company's big-stage production.
Immigration Reform Rally
Immigration Reform Rally at Liberty Park
Kirby tries to go up
As part of the promotional efforts for the Disney/Pixar movie "Up", Salt Lake Tribune humor columnist Robert Kirby tries to take flight in character Carl Fredericksen's armchair.
DeChristopher Rally and Arraignment
A rally was held Tuesday April 28, 2009 leading up to the arraignment in federal court where Tim DeChristopher, the man accused of federal crimes for disrupting a Bureau of Land Management oil and gas lease auction, pleaded not guilty.
Village of Hope video #2
Lon Kennard of Heber City, spends a good portion of his time in a small village near Shashemene, Ethiopia where he runs a shelter for high risk children.
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    Review: 'Star Trek' is one fast-moving enterprise
    Kicking the rust off the good ship Enterprise and a 42-year-old franchise, the 2009 model "Star Trek" is fast, sleek and tightly constructed -- a well-made vessel that, for all its upgrades, remains true to the space-faring characters we know and love. Full Story

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