SWPC Anonymous FTP Server
27-day Forecasts & Solar-Cycle Progression/Predictions

Top-level directory

text file icon About this Menu
text file icon Description of Highlights & Forecast and 27-day Outlook
text file icon Desciption of Solar Cycle Progression Tables and Graphs
text file icon Highlights and Forecast of Solar and Geophysical Data
text file icon 27-Day Outlook of 10.7cm Flux, Ap, and largest Kp list
text file icon Recent Solar Indices of Observed Monthly Mean Values (text)
text file icon Predicted Sunspot Number and Radio Flux Values (text)
text file icon Predicted HIGH Sunspot Number and Radio Flux Values (text)
text file icon Predicted LOW Sunspot Number and Radio Flux Values (text)
image file icon Solar Cycle Ap Progression (gif image)
image file icon Solar Cycle F10.7cm Radio Flux Progression (gif image)
image file icon Solar Cycle Sunspot Number Progression (gif image)