African Violet Fact Sheet 
Horticulture Services Division
Capitol Gallery
600 Maryland Avenue SW, Suite 3300
Washington, DC  20024

In 1892 Baron von Saint Paul discovered the African Violet in the East African region of Tanzania. Saintpaulia,the genus name of these plants, was derived from the explorer who located them.  African Violets belong to the family Gesneriaceae that also includes popular flowering plants such as the Streptocarpus and Gloxinias.  These beautiful flowering plants are no longer just violet colored.  Due to their popularity, many hybrids and varieties are now available.  The different flower colors, flower shapes and leaf shapes come from mutations  of the original plant.  When a new form is spotted, growers propagate the unusual plant to form a new variety.  It is not uncommon to see pink, white, mauve, single or double blossoms delicately sitting on top of the soft velvety leaves.


The general rule is to supply your plants with 10-12 hours of strong light a day.  They need bright filtered sunlight but can not tolerate direct sunlight, especially during the brighter months of March-October.  In their natural habitat under forest canopies, African Violets are protected by the tree canopy.  During the winter months, when the sunlight is weaker, your plants may benefit from the light of a southern exposure. 

Many experts say that artificial light works as well as and often better, or more reliably, than sunlight.  The best artificial lighting is achieved with a pair of 40-watt florescent lights.  Ideally one should be a cool-white and the other a warm-white daylight tube.  These should be placed approximately 8-12 inches above the plants.


African violets are well adapted to indoor use.  They prefer a temperature between 70F and 80F with about 80% humidity.  At night they can tolerate temperatures in the upper 60’s.  However, it is important to avoid temperature and humidity fluctuations, including sudden drafts.  To provide an adequately humid environment, you may want to use a humidifier or place pots in a tray filled with gravel and water. DO NOT mist the foliage.  Water spots on the foliage may cause permanent leaf spotting.


Due to the sensitive nature of these plants, always use room temperature or tepid water when watering.  Let tap water sit overnight so that the chlorine and other salts can evaporate. African Violets are susceptible to root and crown rot so it is important that the crown (section of the plant that is at soil level) of the plant is not saturated with water. 


1. Place water in the saucer and allow the plant to absorb water from the bottom.  DO NOT allow plant to sit in water for an extended period of time.

2. Wicking system – This method is often used by professional growers.  Similar to the method above, the plant absorbs water from a saucer through a synthetic cord; this way the plant only takes up as much water as it needs.


It is necessary to re-pot African Violets every six months to a year.  Repotting the plants helps deliver new nutrients to the plant and dispose of salt buildup from fertilizer. African violets are one of the few plants that prefer to be slightly root bound.  The diameter of the container for re-potting should measure no more than one-third the width of the plant’s leaf span. 

African violets prefer a soil mix that is light and allows for good drainage.  An ideal mixture would be equal parts of peat, perlite, and vermiculite.  Most general mixes require the addition of dolomite lime to achieve an overall pH balance between 6.0 and 7.0.  Another option would be to purchase a mix specially created for African Violets from your local garden center. 


Apply liquid fertilizer at half or one quarter strength every time the plants are watered.  Diluting the fertilizer helps to keep delicate roots from being damaged.  A regular 20-20-20 mixture of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), is adequate for African Violets.  Special mixes for African Violets are also available in local garden centers. 


1. Plants grown in clay pots may have problems with salt residue.  The problem occurs when the leaves or stems come in contact with accumulated fertilizer salts on the pot, causing the plant to burn or rot. The best way to combat this is to :

  • Install a water proof barrier between the leaves and the pot
  • Use a plastic pot
2. Watch for pest problems.  Mealy bugs, aphids, and spider mites commonly attack African violets.  LOOK FOR:
  • Insects
  • White cottony secretions
  • Stunted or distorted new growth

If you spot pests on your plants, visit a garden center for advice about an appropriate method of treatment.


New African Violet plants can be produced from existing plants.  Cut leaves from the original plant, leaving 1 inch of leaf stalk (petiole) with the leaf.  Plant the leaf and stalk, up to ¼ inch of the leaf, into a wet sand/vermiculite mixture.  Cover lightly with plastic.  Keep the media wet and within two to six months, new plants will have formed and will be ready to separate and replant. 

For Further Reading

Clements, Tony. 
African Violets. Newton Abbot; North Pomfret, VT: David & Charles Publishers, 1992.

Hill, Joan and Gwen Goodship. 
African Violets: The Complete Guide. Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 1995.

James, Theodore, Jr. 
African Violets & Other Gesneraids: How to Select and Grow. Tuscon, AZ: HP books, 1983.

Robey, Melvin J. African violets, Gifts from Nature. New York: Cornwall Books, 1988.

For Additional Information

African Violet Society of America, Inc.
P.O. Box 3609
Beaumont, TX  77704
(409) 839-4725
Issues African Violet Magazine bimonthly

Edited by Katie Elzer, 2000
Created by Kirsten B. Scott, 1999
Background Research by Susan W. Kosiur, 1998
HTML by Susan J. Pennington, 2000