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Resources for Library User Feedback PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, 16 April 2009
Last Updated on Friday, 17 April 2009

The Federal Depository Library User Feedback Form offers your library and GPO another opportunity to receive feedback directly from library users about the use and effectiveness of the FDLP. This form targets online researchers and complements other feedback mechanisms in use such as GPO’s toll-free phone number and askGPO.

Use of this feedback tool by Federal depository libraries is voluntary. All comments received through the form will be shared with the library’s depository director and coordinator (as listed in the FDLD), within a week of receipt.

We may use information gathered to continue to enhance FDLP strengths and also address any areas where improvements may be made.

To participate in this service using the graphics provided below:

  • Right click the desired banner image below and select “Save Image as”.
  • Upload the image to your server, place the graphic on your web page linking it to: http://fdlp.gov/component/form/?form_id=8

To participate in this service without using the GPO graphics, create a text link, then link it to: http://fdlp.gov/component/form/?form_id=8

Animated Button (120 x 53)
Static Button (120 x 53)
Animated Vertical Banner (125 x 125)
Static Vertical Banner (125 x 125)
Static horizontal banner (468 x 60)fdlcomment486static.gif

Animated horizontal banner (468 x 60)

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