Interagency Council on Homelessness
Interagency Council on Homelessness
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Eric K. Shinseki

Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary Tom Vilsack
Department of Agriculture
Secretary Gary Locke
Department of Commerce
Robert M. Gates

Department of Defense
Secretary Arne Duncan
Department of Education
Dr. Steven Chu

Department of Energy
Kathleen Sebelius

Department of Health and Human Services
Janet Napolitano

Department of Homeland Security
Shaun Donovan

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary Ken Salazar
Department of Interior
Attorney General
Eric Holder

Department of Justice
Secretary Hilda Solis
Department of Labor
Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
Ray H. LaHood

Department of Transportation
Acting Chief
Executive Officer
Nicola O. Goren

Corporation for National and Community Service

Acting Administrator
Paul Prouty
General Services Administration

Director Peter Orszag
Office of Management and Budget
Postmaster General
John E. Potter

United States Postal Service
USA Freedom Corps
Executive Director
Joshua DuBois

White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Philip F. Mangano
Executive Director
* denotes Affiliate Member

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Our Mission

The mission of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness is to coordinate the federal response to homelessness and to constellate a national partnership at every level of government and every element of the private sector to reduce and end homelessness in the nation. 

The Council works to improve access to and coordination of federal investments among its Council member departments and agencies; ensure the effectiveness of federal activities and programs; engage and assist state and local governments, advocates, service providers, and customers in creating effective local solutions; and provide technical assistance and evidence-based innovation and best practice information to partners at every level of government, as well as the private sector.   

The Council fulfills a unique role in highlighting the basis in research of federal initiatives to reduce and end homelessness, communicating increases in targeted federal homelessness resources, rapidly disseminating innovative ideas, and identifying homelessness strategies that are innovative and produce results.

The Council is the only federal agency that coordinates the federal response to homelessness. The 20 member agencies meet regularly to coordinate programmatic and funding efforts, share information, reduce duplication, and assure that their agencies’ resources are available and accessible to persons who are homeless. This unique role is created by statute. The Council also recommends policy changes to improve such assistance; and monitors and evaluates assistance to homeless persons provided by all levels of government and the private sector.

"Our strategy begins in the White House and extends to the street in collaboration with state and local government, homeless and mainstream providers and advocates, and homeless people themselves. Our intent is to include everyone in the response, to insure that no one is left behind."

"We seek visible, measurable, quantifiable change on our community's streets, within our homeless programs, and, most especially, in the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors."

"We are not content to manage the crisis, or to maintenance the effort, or to accommodate the response. We were called to one goal, one objective, one mission - to abolish homelessness. Now is the time to forward the advocacy, fashion the strategy, and to fulfill that mission."

"On the issue of homelessness, partnership trumps partisanship. There is no D or R or I or G on this issue. We are all Americans working together to end a social disgrace."

US Interagency Council on Homelessness
Executive Director Philip Mangano


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Last Updated:
April 1, 2009

The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
409 Third Street SW | Suite 310 | Washington, D.C. 20024
Phone (202) 708-4663 | Fax (202) 708-1216