Interagency Council on Homelessness
Interagency Council on Homelessness
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Eric K. Shinseki

Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary Tom Vilsack
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Secretary Gary Locke
Department of Commerce
Robert M. Gates

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Secretary Arne Duncan
Department of Education
Dr. Steven Chu

Department of Energy
Kathleen Sebelius

Department of Health and Human Services
Janet Napolitano

Department of Homeland Security
Shaun Donovan

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary Ken Salazar
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Attorney General
Eric Holder

Department of Justice
Secretary Hilda Solis
Department of Labor
Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
Ray H. LaHood

Department of Transportation
Acting Chief
Executive Officer
Nicola O. Goren

Corporation for National and Community Service

Acting Administrator
Paul Prouty
General Services Administration

Director Peter Orszag
Office of Management and Budget
Postmaster General
John E. Potter

United States Postal Service
USA Freedom Corps
Executive Director
Joshua DuBois

White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Philip F. Mangano
Executive Director
* denotes Affiliate Member

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Innovative Initiatives

This page offers insights into Innovative Initiatives that are preventing and ending homelessness. Here you will find a far-ranging set of replicable efforts focused on our common mission to eliminate homelessness with especial attention to this Administration's goal of eliminating chronic homelessness.

Whether collaborations between the business community and homeless providers, housing initiatives supported by managed care organizations, new housing technologies, research that impacts our country's streets, or borrowed service methodologies, this page offers the reader innovative ideas that support our common objective, ending homelessness.

And we won't limit ourselves to these shores. Whenever we discover an initiative that supports the goal, we'll make that new "technology" available to you, wherever its origin.
The focus will, of course, be on those initiatives that have documented outcomes that result in ending homelessness. Independent corroboration is an important eleme
nt in any such determination, as are results.

Our Last Innovation Series of the Year: 08 in 08

Eight more replicable innovations to prevent and end homelessness.

Innovation #1

Preventing Homelessness:
Ventura County, California Creates Prevention Fund to Further 10 Year Plan Goals

Innovation #2

DC Downtown Partnership: From the streets and long-term homelessness to Housing First

Innovation #3

Volunteers + Consumers + Policymakers:
Using Project Homeless Connect to "Connect"
Consumers to Policymakers Through a Unique Yearbook Initiative

Innovation #4

Housing First - How Consumer Preference Shapes the Central Antidote to Homelessness

Innovation #5

Listening to the Consumer: In Massachusetts, Engaging Consumers about their Mental Health Experiences Delivers Quality Research for Policymakers

Innovation #6

Building Tulsa, Building Lives

Innovation #7

IDignity: Restoring Dignity and Creating a Trajectory Out of Homelessness by Securing Identification for Housing, Jobs, and Hope

Innovation #8

From Data to Investment to Results: Partnerships for solutions that end homelessness for people who are homeless and addicted to alcohol...

5 (More) Innovations in 5 Days

Five ideas for creating dedicated revenue streams to prevent and end homelessness.

Innovation #1

Miami-Dade County Food and Beverage Tax: A Dedicated Revenue Source Invested for Results

Innovation #2

Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) Uses Redevelopment Tax Increment Housing Funds to Create Housing for People who are Chronically Homeless

Innovation #3

Seattle's Housing Levy

Innovation #4

Atlanta's Homeless Opportunity Bonds

Innovation #5

New Jersey's Special Needs Housing Trust Fund: Traffic Fines Help Create Housing to Prevent and End Homelessness

Presenting “20 in 20”. . .

Twenty replicable innovations that are achieving results in preventing or ending homelessness are presented below. These innovations were profiled  in daily special editions of the Council's e-newsletter throughout May 2008.

Innovation #1

Virginia CASH Campaign (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope)

Innovation #2

Reporting Results in 10-Year Plans: Sacramento’s Scorecard

Innovation #3

Securing an ID for persons who are homeless - A Project Homeless Connect innovation from Norfolk and SF

Innovation #4

Measuring Local Results in Ending Homelessness through a State Plan: Washington State's Intergovernmental Partnership

Innovation #5

Federal-State Partnership to create the Prince Home as new permanent supported housing for homeless veterans with disabilities

Innovation #6

Cost Benefit Analysis and Consumer Satisfaction: Results from Philanthropic Investment to End Chronic Homelessness in Housing First RI

Innovation #7

Inter-Faith Ministries' Kansas Benefit Bank:  A One- Stop Solution to Access Mainstream Resources to    Prevent and End Homelessness

Innovation #8

Project Re-Connect: Achieving Successful Reentry for Ex-Prisoners through St. Louis' 10 Year Plan

Innovation #9

Ohio's Special Courts: The courts as leader and partner in preventing and ending chronic homelessness

Innovation #10

Denver's Parking Meter Initiative Fosters Community 10 Year Plan Engagement and Reduces Panhandling

Innovation #11

Soldier On: Success in the Community through an Employment and Housing Strategy with Results for Homeless Veterans in Massachusetts

Innovation #12

[Road] Map to the Future: Chicago's Homeless System Mapping Project Plans to End Homelessness

Innovation #13

King County, WA Jail Initiative for Veterans: Improving outcomes, reducing recidivism, and cutting costs

Innovation #14

St. Paul Police Department partners for housing solutions to chronic homelessness

Innovation #15

Creating Housing, Closing Shelters, Ending Homelessness: Transforming policy and practice in one community agency in Massachusetts

Innovation #16

Innovating the Innovation of Project Homeless Connect: Video sharing and social networking "show" real results in ending homelessness

Innovation #17

Researching Risk, Ending Homelessness: A replicable strategy targets the most vulnerable and disabled people living on the streets

Innovation #18

Put on Your Traveling Shoes: Make a pilgrimage to see what’s working

Innovation #19

Academia: How many roles can a partner play in new initiatives to prevent and end homelessness?

Innovation #20

Listening to the consumer: In San Diego, how delivering what homeless veterans wanted yielded the national innovation of Homeless Courts

Read More Innovative Initiatives on Partnership, Prevention/Discharge Planning, Permanent Housing, Health Care, and Data and Research

Privacy Statement

Last Updated:
April 1, 2009

The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
409 Third Street SW | Suite 310 | Washington, D.C. 20024
Phone (202) 708-4663 | Fax (202) 708-1216