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Social & Behavioral Grant Programs
Minority Focused Publication List

  1. Alvaro, E.M., Jones, S.P., Robles, A.S., Siegel, J.T. Predictors of organ donation behavior among Hispanic Americans. Progress in Transplantation. 2005;15(2):149-156.

  2. Alvaro, E.M., Jones, S.P., Robles, A.S., Siegel, J.T. Hispanic organ donation: I Impact of a Spanish-language organ donation campaign. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2006:98(1):1-8.

  3. Atkins, L., Davis, K., Holtzman, S.M., Durand, R., et al. Family discussion about organ donation among African Americans. Progress in Transplantation. 2003;13(1):28-32.

  4. Davis, K., Holtzman, S., Durand, R., Decker, P.J., et al. Leading the flock: Organ donation feelings, beliefs, and intentions among African American clergy and community residents. Journal of Transplant Coordination. 2005;15(3):211-216.

  5. Fahrenwald, N.L., Stabnow, W. Sociocultural perspective on organ and tissue donation among reservation-dwelling American Indian adults. Ethnicity and Health. 2005;10(4):341-354.

  6. Morgan, S.E. The many facets of reluctance: African-Americans and the decision (not) to donate organs. Journal of the National Medical Association. (in press)

  7. Morgan, S.E., Harrison, T.R., Chewning, L.V., Habib, J.G. America's angel or thieving immigrant: Media coverage, the Santillan story, and public ambivalence toward donation and transplantation. In Wailoo, K., Guarnaccia, P., Livingston, J. (Eds.) Beyond the Bungled Transplant: Jessica Santillan and High-Tech Medicine In Cultural Perspective. University of North Carolina Press, Studies in Social Medicine series. (in press)

  8. Morgan, S.E., Harrison, T.R., Long, S.D., Afifi, W.A., et al. In their own words: A multicultural qualitative study of the reasons why people will (not) donate organs. Health Communication. (in press)

  9. Morgan, S.E., Miller, J.K., Arasaratnam, L.A. Similarities and differences between African-Americans' and European-Americans' attitudes, knowledge, and willingness to communicate about organ donation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 2003;33(4)693-716.

  10. Siegel, J.T., Alvaro, E.M., Jones, S.P. Organ donor registration preferences among Hispanic populations: Which modes of registration have the greatest promise? Health Education and Behavior. 2005;32(2):242-252.

  11. Thornton, J.D., Wong, K., Cardenas, V., Curtis, R., et al. Ethnic and gender differences in willingness to donate organs among high school youths. Journal of Adolescent Health. (in press)

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