Our Vision:
"An informed society that has confidence in the seafood that they purchase, sell and consume today and in the future."

Our Mission:
To ensure the safety and quality as well as enhance the marketability and sustainability of seafood products for the benefit of the American consumer by providing science based inspection services to the seafood industry.



A prime objective of USDC Seafood Inspection Program export certification is to assure unfettered trade of seafood products that meet the unique requirements of each importing country, and any other specific buyer criteria.  Optimal development of a new, or substantive certificate change, requires accurate language translation, and most importantly, review and acceptance by the competent authority of the importing country.  After final certificate approval, it is expected that questions from the entry ports may arise until the legitimacy of the new certificate has been established within the national control system.  This is a particularly critical period when language translations are the expressed concern and not substantive issues of product safety or quality.  It is only through direct feedback from the exporting industry, on the successful shipments as well as those encumbered, that we can make adjustments, and address issues that arise and may be related to specific ports of entry, or interpretations at the local level.  Finally, the request for certificate development has to be directed to the Headquarters Office.

How to Export Seafood to the EU

Instruction for completing Non-Molluscan Health Certificates (2/09)

Completion of French Polynesian Export Certificates (4/2/08)

Instructions for completing the EU Certificate for Molluscan Shellfish (2/09)

Import/Export Brochure


Interim Guidelines for Receiving EU Health Certificates

Procedures for EU Certificate Completion

Certificate Changeover

Request EU Certificate



U.S. Department of Commerce/NOAA Fisheries • 1315 East West Highway • Silver Spring, MD 20910 • Phone (301) 713-2355 • Toll Free (800) 422-2750