Peace Corps

Enrichment Projects

Enhance lessons with Water in Africa, Culture Matters, Peace Corps Challenge, our special collection of recipes, and our Global Issues landing page, all of which highlight resources that promote awareness of critical global issues and cross-cultural intelligence.

Recipes: Cuisine from Around the World

Embracing new, local foods with a host family or other friends is one of the first, best steps that Peace Corps Volunteers take toward becoming part of their overseas communities. Enjoy the magnificent recipes submitted by Peace Corps Volunteers and staff from all corners of the globe.
Check out the recipes

Global Issues: Working With Communities

Explore the world through the experiences of Peace Corps Volunteers. At each stop on this interactive map, students can learn about critical global issues affecting that region, as well as how volunteers assist local communities in addressing those challenges. Be sure to check back often for new resources from all corners of the globe.
Explore Global Issues

Peace Corps Challenge: Educational Resources for Kids Game

The Peace Corps Challenge game gives children the opportunity to work in the fictional village of Wanzuzu as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Kids must work with local villagers and Peace Corps members to solve eight different challenges facing Wanzuzu: water contamination, sanitation and disease, microfinance, barren fields, malaria, soil erosion, education of girls, and agroforestry.
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Water in Africa

"Peace, Rain, Prosperity!"; The national motto of Lesotho and greeting used by the Basotho is an appropriate way to welcome you to the Water in Africa website. It reflects the deep connection of water to all aspects of life in African countries, a concept Coverdell World Wise Schools has captured in the learning units featured on this site. Ninety Peace Corps Volunteers contributed firsthand accounts and photographs to the lessons and activities you will find.
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Culture Matters: Interactive Version

Culture Matters, the cross-cultural handbook for Peace Corps Volunteers entering service, is available as an online, interactive module. Students and educators alike can learn why culture is important and what it means to be culturally sensitive.
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