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 Health and Safety Image of a group of younger children
   Safety First
Bike and Scooter Safety

Exercising outdoors can be fun. Learn about staying safe on your bike or scooter.

Bicycling –
Bike Helment Information
Bikes and Wheel Sport Safety Kids Page
Hard Facts about Helments
Scooter Safety

A father and son riding bicycles with arms across each other's shoulders

Government Sites

Air Quality Index - Learn how air pollution is measured, about the Air Quality Index (AQI), and how the index can be a quick way to tell people how good or bad something is. The AQI uses colors, and numbers, and words to tell you about the air.

Alaska Kids - This site has great information on how to stay safe, how to stay healthy, and help with homework in the student guide.

Beach Kids! - Things to know about being safe at your beach.

Bike Helment Information - (Consumer Product Safety Commission) - Do you know the correct way to wear a helmet? Find out here.

Bikes and Wheel Sport Safety Kids Page - (NYS Department of Motor Vehicles) - Bike riding and skating along the side of the road is dangerous. Go to this useful website to learn about equipment, helmets, traffic signs and signals. Play the jigsaw safety puzzle!

CDC's Rabies Web Page That's Just for Kids! - In the United States today, about 93 of every 100 reported cases of rabies are in wild animals. Most of the cases are found in raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Cats had the largest number of reported rabies cases in pets. Learn more about rabies and how to protect your pet.

Coast Guard Coloring and Activity Books - (U.S. Coast Guard) - If you want to learn about the Coast Guard, scroll to the bottom of this page and read the Our Day With the Coast Guard activity book.

Cyberbullying - - Cyberbullying is repeatedly hurting someone else through the use of technology. So, instead of whispering a rumor to a friend, a bully might e-mail or instant message that rumor or post it for everyone to see!

Cyberbullying - Stop Bullying Now! - (Health Resources and Services Administration) - Cyberbullying, which is sometimes referred to as online social cruelty or electronic bullying, can involve: Sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images or pretending to be someone else in order to make that person look bad.

Emergency Videos for Kids - FEMA - (Federal Emergency Management Agency) - Do you know the steps you have to take if there's an emergency like a fire or earthquake? Watch these videos to learn and be prepared.

EPA Student Center - This site from the Environmental Protection Agency is for students in the 5th thru 8th grades. Learn about projects, careers, ecosystems and much more.

FBI's Safety Tips - (Federal Bureau of Investigation) - This site provides some important safety tips about the Internet, talking to strangers, and guns.

FCC Kids Zone (Grades K-3) - (Federal Communications Commission) - Have fun with the many quizzes and games at this site, as you learn about this agency. Check out the "In The News" feature written just for you!

FDA Kids' Page - (Food and Drug Administration) - Visit this fun site and learn all about animal care, take a food safety quiz, inspect a warehouse and check out more kids links!

FEMA for Kids - (Federal Emergency Management Agency) - Meet Herman, the spokescrab at this fun site. Read his story about his hunt for a disaster-proof shell. Learn how to prepare for and prevent disasters by taking action now! Play games, take quizzes, read stories and more.

Fire Safety - Learn all about arson dogs, fire trucks, and fire safety. Take the quiz to see how much you have learned.

Fish Kids - (Environmental Protection Agency) - Fish are healthy food, but some fish may not be safe to eat because they are contaminated with chemicals. Before you go fishing or go to the market, look for fish advisories that tell you which fish are safe to eat.

Food Safety - Want to learn more about food safety? Crossword puzzles, word scrambles, quizzes, and careers in food safety are just some of the things you’ll find when you visit this fantastic website!

Food Safety Education for Kids - (Food Safety and Inspection Service) - Here are some fun activity sheets to teach you how to be food safe.

Food Safety for Kids and Educators - (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition) - Take a look at this page for fun activites, educator tools and helpful guides to help you keep your food safe.

Games and Quizzes on Disasters and Preparedness - (Federal Emergency Management Agency) - This page has over 20 games about disasters like hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes and more.

Hard Facts About Helmets - (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) - If you like recreational activities that involve wheels, concrete or asphalt, then protect your brain by wearing a helmet. Helmets with a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) approval are good for biking and in-line skating and are available in most sporting goods stores. for Kids - (Department of Health and Human Services) - Fun way to learn about health and safety issues. Play games, enter an art contest, learn safe surfing tips, and more at this cool site!

How to be Safety Savvy - (National Women's Health Information Center) - You are making more decisions for yourself and will need to keep yourself safe. Follow these tips to help keep yourself out of danger.

Indian Health Services - Kids Page - Learn more about Native Americans culture. Read their tales and folklore.

K.B.'s Day - Stop Bullying Now! - (Health Resources and Services Administration) - Bullying also can happen on-line or electronically. Cyberbullying is when children or teens bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. This animated webisode features K.B. on her first day of school.

Kidd Safety - (Consumer Product Safety Commission) - Meet Kidd Safety and all of his pals. Explore and play all of the challenging safety games.

Kids and Bicycle Safety - (Department of Transportation) - Bicycle riding is fun, healthy, and a great way to be independent. But it is important to remember that a bicycle is not a toy - it’s a vehicle! Be cool and follow some basic safety tips when you ride.

Learn About Chemicals Around Your House - (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) - Want to learn more about the chemicals around your home? Then check out this cool site to learn about toxic substances, household products, and what to do in case of accidents. Try your hand at puzzles and take a house tour.

Mine Safety and Health Administration - Look here for information about the dangers of playing near or in mines.

News You Can Use - BAM! - The news can be full of stories about bad things like tornadoes, hurricanes, disease threats, bombings, kidnappings, and war. This doesn't mean these things are happening all the time. So how to make sense of it? Visit this useful site to learn tips on understanding just what it all really means.

Railroad Safety - Learn the signs and rules of railroad safety.

Ready Kids - Disaster Preparedness - Disasters are often in the news and they can be scary. Try not to get too scared by being better prepared! Read what you can do to be ready in case a disaster comes your way.

Scooter Safety - (Consumer Product Safety Commission) - Here are some good tips that all kids should follow when riding their scooters.

Stop Bullying Now! - (Health Resources and Services Administration) - If you are being bullied and have a hard time defending yourself, check out this site on what you can do.

Stop Underage Drinking - Youth - Youth often face the challenge of standing up to peer pressure and deciding not to use alcohol. The following resources will help young people take a stand against underage alcohol use and discover fun, alcohol-free ways to spend their time.

Sun Proof - - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - It's key to get outside and get active - just make sure you're protected! For outdoor activity, you may need a helmet, a ball, a club... You always need sun protection - it's just another part of your gear!

SunWise Kids - (Environmental Protection Agency) - It's fun to play in the sun, but did you know that too much sun can be bad for you? If you ever had sunburn, you have felt some of the bad effects of too much sun and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Texas - Outdoor Kids - (Texas Parks and Wildlife) - This website has great pages about: Wild Things features native animals and plants; Fun Stuff includes arts and crafts and games; Get Out has ideas for having fun outdoors safely and links to the Outdoor Kids journal and much more.

ToxMystery - Join Toxie the cat and search his house for the possible dangers of the chemical substances in the home.
Es un sitio perfecto para los niños, que ofrece la oportunidad de aprender sobre los posibles peligros de las sustancias químicas en el hogar.

Traffic Safety Kids Page - (New York's Department of Motor Vehicles) - This is a great website that has tips and safety instructions when you ride your bike, go inline skating, and walking to school. There are also many activities including coloring pages and puzzles.

Traffic Sign Quiz for Kids - You may think you don't need to know what traffic signals and signs mean because you don't drive. But if you walk or ride your bicycle on a road near your home, you need to know what they mean. Take this fun quiz.

USFA Kids Page - (U.S. Fire Administration) - This website is full of fire safety tips. Learn about home fire safety, smoke alarms, and how to escape from a fire. Play fun games - crossword puzzles, word search, and coloring pages. Learn how to become a Jr. Fire Marshall.

Vince & Larry's Safety City - Here is some important information to keep in mind when you’re out- and-about.

Weather Room - This page provides general information for kids, parents, and teachers. Elementary school coloring books are available for parents and teachers to print and use for weather education in the classroom or at home.

Your Safety - BAM! - All kinds of information on safety including: having the right gear, being water smart, wearing sun proof, and more

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Other Resources

Boating Safety Sidekicks - Learn how to be safe when having fun on a boat.

Bullies - What is Bullying? - No matter what situation or form it comes in, bullying can make you feel depressed, hurt, and alone. So It's My Life put together this guide to give you all the basics of dealing with bullies. - Visit this cool site to learn about home safety and health. Meet Rover, the home safety hound and get ready to become a safety ranger.

Cyberbullying - National Crime Prevention Council - Online bullying, called cyberbullying, happens when kids use the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.

Disney's Surf Swell Island - Follow Mickey and friends in his "Adventures in Internet Safety"; explore around the island to learn about privacy issues, online manners, viruses, and more.

Farm Safety 4 Just Kids - Learn farm safety at this fun website. Meet Cawshus the crow, who will teach you how to be safe on the farm, play games and take a farm safety quiz.

Go Boating - At this cool site you can learn all about boats, including different types of boats, nautical terms and boating safety.

Gun Safety - KidsHealth - Learn what to do if you come into contact with a gun and keeping yourself safe.

How to be Safe When You’re in the Sun - The weather is warming up, the days are longer and there’s more time to be outside doing all kinds of fun things! But if you're going to be out in the sun, especially on a hot day, you need to stay safe.

Interactive Zone - American Red Cross - Check out weather and disaster maps; learn about Red Cross projects and services; play online games.

McGruff.Org - This site provides puzzles, tips, and stories to help children to learn important safety lessons.

Net Smartz Kids - Do you like to surf the net? Learn how to be safe and have fun while surfing the World Wide Web. Lots of games, too!

Otto the Auto in the Otto Club - Brought to you by the trusted traffic safety leaders of AAA, the Otto Club is filled with safety tips and advice, traffic safety-related guides, dozens of new links, and much, much more.

Police Notebook - Kid Safety on the Internet - Visit this cool site to view a slide show on how to be safe in many situations. Learn about crime prevention, personal safety, Internet safety, and more.

Smokey the Bear - Smokey Kids - Join Smokey for some forest and campfire fun. And, along the way, discover Smokey's rules for forest fire safety and prevention so that you can become a member of Smokey's team!

Sparky the Fire Dog - Sparky is here to teach you and your family how to stop fires from happening. Learn about the different parts of a fire truck, print a Home Safety Checklist and play fun arcade games.

Sun Safety - We all need some sun exposure; it's our primary source of vitamin D, which helps us absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones. But it doesn't take much time in the sun for most people to get the vitamin D they need, and unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage, eye damage and even cancer.

What Kids Say About Bullying - We were wondering what kids thought about this tough topic so we asked 1,229 boys and girls to answer some questions about bullying. Nearly half of them said they had been bullied before. Most kids know what bullying is. It's when a person is mean and hurtful toward someone else, often when that person has trouble defending himself or herself.

What You Need To Know About Drugs and Alcohol - Follow McGruff's advice and follow his advice on getting you out of tough situations.

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Page Revised - 3/30/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.