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   U.S. Studies - American History
Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the U.S., and his 200th birthday is this year. Find out more about his life.

Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial 2009
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site
Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life
Biography of Abraham Lincoln
Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC

Government Sites

African American History - Library of Congress - An excellent resource on the African American experience.

Air Force Crossroads Teens and Youth Section - This page has tons to offer both kids and teenagers alike. From sports to arts to video games, you will find information and entertainment that will keep you coming back for more.

Alamosaurus - (National Park Service) - Alamosaurus is the only known sauropod in North America from this time period (Upper Cretaceous). All North American sauropods died out about 105 million years ago. Then, after a 35-40 million year gap, Alamosaurus appeared in North America about 70 million years ago. (All dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.)

America by Air - National Air and Space Museum - (Smithsonian Institution) - This site has different activities, including a virtual flight across America during different parts of the twentieth century. Visitors can click on the "Fly Across America" to view period documents that depict what the in-flight experience was like from the 1920s to the present. Tthe "Explore Exhibition" takes visitors through the different periods of American aviation history, complete with historic photographs, first-hand recollections, and more.

America on the Move - America on the move explores the role of transportation in American history. Learn how railroads and other transportation helped bring communities together.

America’s Story from America’s Library - (Library of Congress) - Learn about amazing Americans like Buffalo Bill and Harriet Tubman, find out about interesting inventions, and get fascinating facts and read stories about all the states and Washington D.C.

American Memory - Advertising - See how advertising played a role in some of America's historic happeings.

American Treasures - Library of Congress - A guide to some of the "treasures" in the Library of Congress. Check out Thomas Jefferson's handwritten draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Apollo 11: Walking On the Moon - What did it take to put a man on the Moon? What were the dangers? Who were the Apollo 11 astronauts? How did they live in space? Visit Walking on the Moon to experience the incredible Apollo 11 mission!

Architecture and Landscape - (Library of Congress) - See how architecture and landscape of America has changed throughout history. This site features some early photos and building designs.

Bill of Rights - Charters of Freedom - (National Archives) - On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States proposed to the state legislatures 12 amendments to the Constitution. Articles 3 to 12 were ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures, constitute the first 10 amendments of the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights.

Cities and Towns - (Library of Congress) - Examine how some of American's cities and towns have changed throughout the years. There are many photos to explore!

Civil War - America’s Story - (Library of Congress) - After Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, 11 Southern states seceded (or withdrew) from the Union and set up an independent government--the Confederate States of America. These events led to the outbreak of the Civil War.

Civil War @ Smithsonian - (National Portrait Gallery) - The Smithsonian Institution houses an extraordinary array of Civil War artifacts in nearly a dozen of its museums and archives.

Civil War and Reconstruction - National Museum of American History - Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860 brought to a climax the long festering debate about the relative powers of the federal and the state governments.

Civil War: Black American Contributions to Union Intelligence - Black Americans contributed to tactical and strategic Union intelligence through behind-the-lines missions and agent-in-place operations. Two such Union agents functioned as long-term penetrations of Confederate President Jefferson Davis's "White House" staff in Richmond, Virginia. Find out more.

Colonial America (1492-1763) - Read how America began.

Constitution of the United States - (National Archives and Records Administration) - This is a great site to view high resolution scans of the original, signed Constitution; read an essay about the Constitutional Convention; learn dozens of fascinating facts about the Constitution; and learn about each of the signers at this site from the National Archives and Records Administration.

Depression & WWII (1929-1945) - October 29, 1929, was a dark day in history. "Black Tuesday" is the day that the stock market crashed, officially setting off the Great Depression. Read what else was going on.

Digging for Answers - (Smithsonian Education) - Tests your research skills as well as your expertise. With each question, you have the choice of answering on your own or trying to beat the clock as you search for the answer on a Smithsonian website. (Flash required)

Environment and Conservation Movement - (Library of Congress) - The history of the conservation movement in

Future State - U.S. Department of State for Youth - (Department of State) - The State Department has embassies in more than 190 countries. Find out at this great site how you can prepare for an exciting career as a diplomat or foreign service officer.

Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Futures Program (Grades 6-8) - (Federal Highway Administration) - Pick up some tips on road safety, learn how an engine makes a car work, how a car can run on electricity and much more.

Gettysburg Address - (Library of Congress) - Read a transcript of this famous speech and view the only known photo of Lincoln at Gettysburg.

Gilded Age (1878-1889) - The growth of industry and a wave of immigrants marked this period in American history. Find out what else was going on.

Government and Law - (Library of Congress) - Collections of all kinds of historical documents, photos, and even some recordings pertaining to our government and historical events.

Great War & Jazz Age (1914-1928) - Foreign affairs (relationships with other countries) took up a great deal of President Woodrow Wilson's attention. See what else was going on at this time.

Historical Documents - Includes information on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and more.

History & Culture - Smithsonian Education - (Smithsonian) - This site has resources for both American and World History.

Immigration and American Expansion - (Library of Congress) - Collection of documents pertaining to immigration and the American expansion. Collections contain many photos and personal storied from immigrants and early settlers.

Industrial Archeology - Industrial archeologists study and measure industrial sites and structures, document them without removing artifacts, and encourage their preservation or adaptive reuse.

Intelligence in the War of Independence - (Central Intelligence Agency) - One of the most important aspects of a war is to figure out what the other side is doing and using that intelligence to your country's benefit. Read how intelligence information was gathered during the War for Independence.

Join the Signers! - At this site, you have the opportunity to explore the legacy of our Founding Fathers through special features, exhibits, classroom activities, and more.

Jump Back In Time - America's Story - Take a trip to an era in American history.

Kids and Families Page - (Library of Congress) - This website shares its collections, stories, online collections and more for students and teachers.

Kids in the House - Explore the role the Office of the Clerk plays in the U.S. House of Representatives. Learn about the legislative process and its effect on you.

Library of Congress Webcasts for Kids & Families - Get links to more than 500 webcasts on everything from writing music, forecasting the weather, publishing the Declaration of Independence, and much more.

Literature - Library of Congress - Collection of literary documents including poetry, books, periodicals, and even an author's notebook.

Maps - Library of Congress - Collections of historical maps, including maps from the American Revolution through War II.

Modern Era (1946 - present) - (Library of Congress) - Moon walks and cold wars. What else was happening?

National Museum of American History - Discover history through objects, photographs, and terrific books! Explore the playful side of invention with activities designed to use your imagination.

Native American History - (Library of Congress) - Search these collections of photos, documents, and even recordings of the Native

Our Nation - (Government Printing Office) - Find our Quick Facts about the United States and our Nation's Capitol.

Our Story In History - Our Story In History is designed to help you enjoy exploring history through museum programs featuring objects from collections, quality children's literature, and hands-on activities.

Parties to History - (Smithsonian) - Article about four political conventions that changed America.

Performing Arts, Music - (Library of Congress) - Explore these collections of sheet music, books, dance manuals, and other historical

Portraits of a City - For most of the twentieth century, Addison Scurlock and his sons photographed our capital city and the people who lived and worked there. You can browse these images online.

Presidential Libraries - (National Archives) - Presidential Libraries present vast archives of documents, museums full of important Presidential artifacts, and informative web sites.

Presidents - Library of Congress - Explore these collections of personal papers, portraits, and recordings of some of America's presidents.

Presidents of the United States - (White House) - The biographies of the presidents’ give us a clear look into the highs and lows of American history. Learn more about the presidents, the changes we faced in the past, and challenges yet to come.

Progressive Era (1890-1913) - Because of its rapid economic and social growth, the U.S. had become a major world power. Learn what happened during this time.

Publishing the Declaration - (Library of Congress) - This webcast features the American Declaration of Independence, focusing on its distribution through early American newspapers.

Reconstruction (1866-1877) - After the North defeated the South in the Civil War, politicians faced the task of putting the divided country back together. Read how they did it.

Religion - Library of Congress - Explore these collections of historical papers, books, and petitions.

Research Presidential Materials - (National Archives) - Every day the President and his staff generate thousands of documents providing insight into the issues confronting our nation. Presidential Libraries preserve not only these official records, but also the personal papers of Presidential family members, associates, and friends.

Revolutionary Period (1764-1789) - Fnd out the American Revolution got started.

See, Hear and Sing - America's Story - Watch a movie, hear a song, play a tune from America's past.

Setting the Precedent - 4 Women Who Excelled in Business - (Smithsonian) - In this virtual tour you will meet four American women who succeeded in business in the twentieth century. Each woman - Freda Diamond, Estelle Ellis, Dorothy Shaver, and Brownie Wise - was exceptional in many respects.

Sports and Recreation - Library of Congress - Explore these collections of book, maps, music from America's past.

Technology and Industry - Library of Congress - Explore these collections of papers, sound, and film about historical technological and industial events in America.

The New Nation (1790-1828) - During this time, Americans established their government and two parties emerged--the Federalists and the Republicans. Check out what else was going on.

The New United States of America Adopted the Bill of Rights - America’s Library - (Library of Congress) - Do you know your Bill of Rights? It is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of American citizens.

Today In History - (Library of Congress) - This site contains informative information about what happened on, say, October 21. Each "Today" contains links to various archival documents that have been offered up online as part of the American Memory project.

Transportation History - (Smithsonian) - Americans have always been a people on the move - on rails, roads, and waterways. Collections include road, rail, and maritime objects.

U.S. Electoral College - (Office of the Federal Register) - The Electoral College is not a place; it is a process that began as part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution. The people of the U.S. vote for the electors who then vote for the President. Read more about how the terms "Elector" and "Electoral College" came into use.

U.S. History Topics - FREE - (Department of Education) - Wars, government, geography, people, presidents, inventors, explorers, movements, business, states and more.

U.S. Presidents - America's Story - (Library Of Congress) - Learn more about our U.S. Presidents. See a timeline of important events.

Veterans History Project - (Library of Congress) - The Veterans History Project relies on volunteers to collect and preserve stories of wartime service. You can browse the first-hand accounts from veterans of some of the wars America fought in.

War and Military - Library of Congress - Explore these collections of documents and photos pertaining to the military and wars that America was involved in.

Western Expansion & Reform (1829-1859) - Presidents Andrew Jackson, James Polk, and John Tyler, like many Americans of this time, embraced the notion of enlarging the "empire for liberty." Learn how it all happened.

White House History - For two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the Presidency, the United States government, and the American people.

Women's History - Library of Congress - Explore these collections of scrapbooks, photos, and books pertaining to women in American History.

Women's History Month - (Library of Congress) - This site pays tribute to the generations of women whose commitment to nature and the planet have proved invaluable to society.

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Other Resources

About: American History - This site covers all kinds of topics in American history form the colonial history, civil war, the industrial revolution, an more

American Centuries - View from New England - Explore American history with this collection of historic artifacts and documents from New England.

American Presidency Project - The Project's site contains over 75,000 documents related to the study of the presidency. Visitors can start at the "Documents" area which contains sections such as "Public Papers of the Presidents", "Saturday Radio Addresses", and "Fireside Chats". The "Elections" area contains presidential election data from 1828 to the present day. The "Media" area contains speeches and video clips from Herbert Hoover to George W. Bush.

Big Apple History - Take a ride through New York history.

Built in America - (Library of Congress) - These collections record achievements in architecture, engineering, and design in the United States and its territories through a range of building types and engineering technologies.

Citizenship Quiz - - Test your knowledge on Amercian Government, American History and Civics.

Crime Library - National Museum of Crime & Punishment - Whether you are researching a project or simply have a fascination with the subject, you will find our growing Crime Library to be a rich resource for you to explore and expand your learning. Check back soon to find even more content that enhances the NMCP's current exhibits.

Decopix - Check out tons of photos that show examples of art deco architecture and print.

DocSouth Collections - Learn about southern history, literature, and culture with this collection of materials from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s library.

Ease History - EASE (Experience Acceleration Supportive Environment) History is a rich learning environment that supports the learning of U.S. history. Over 600 videos and photographs are currently available in EASE History. (Flash 7 required)

Harvest of History - Explore the Village to find out where your food comes from, how and where it grows, and compare life in 1845 with our modern world.

History Detectives - Hop on the History Shuttle, look out the window, and decipher a history mystery.

Homework Helper - Social Studies - Site that contain many links to General, American, and Ancient History websites. - This is a great resource for kids on many different subjects - from languages to science. Find out what happened today in history, and there's even a link for study notes.

Kids Post - Get the scoop on current events and entertainment, homework help, and have fun with games, polls, and more from The Washington Post.

Lewis & Clark - Learn about Lewis & Clark's adventures through the interactive journal, play games, see photos and maps, and much more.

Massachusetts - Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704 - On February 29, 1704, the sun rose on a chaotic scene in the English settlement of Deerfield, Massachusetts. This website presents five different perspectives on this one event: Wobanikiak, Wendat, Kanienkahaka, French and English.

New York Times Articles - American History - Explore current issues in depth or search American history by topic.

The Textile Museum - Learn about the history, collections, and purpose of textile arts.

United States Bill of Rights - Wikipedia - The Bill of Rights is the name by which the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known.

United States History - FactMonster - See a history timeline, learn about territorial expansion, firsts in America, figures and legends in American folklore, and a whole lot more.

Yahooligans - Study Zone - Yahooligans! is a browsable, searchable directory of Internet sites for kids. Games, Sports and News pages, Movies, Animals, Science and Dinosaurs, a Reference section and lots more.

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Page Revised - 4/24/2009

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