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 Money Image of a group of middle school kids
   Spend your Money Wisely
Economic Crisis

You hear about the U.S. economy on the news every day. Here are some links to help you understand what’s happening now.

Economy for Kids
Kid's Economic Glossary
What’s the Word

Three stacks of one dollar bills

Government Sites

FDIC Learning Bank - (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) - This site tells you the who, what, when, where and why about this agency - with a little help from Carmen Cents!

Money Math - Lessons for Life - Through Money Math: Lessons for Life, you can apply math skills to some of life’s costly challenges, learning important personal finance concepts along the way. - (Financial Literacy and Education Commission) - is the U.S. government's website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. Whether you are planning for college, balancing your checking account, or creating a good credit history, the resources on can help you do it better.

Student Aid On The Web - (Department of Education) - Free information on preparing for and funding education beyond high school. Whether you're in elementary or high school, parent or counselor, this site helps you make informed decisions regarding a college, technical or trade school education and career choice.

Students.Gov - (Department of Education) - provides you with easy access to information and resources from the U.S. government. From choosing the right college, applying online for financial aid and scholarships, or finding summer internships or jobs, this site has it all in one place.

You Are Here - (Federal Trade Commission) - This site helps you think like a consumer and find out things like how advertising influences your decisions.

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Other Resources

Budgeting: Your Tool to Balance Saving and Spending - Having a savings plan and a budget can help you save for both short-term financial goals (like buying a computer) and long-term financial goals (like saving for college).

Cash, Check or Credit? - - Until now you may have used only cash to make purchases. Cash is great! But as you get older, sellers will give you other ways to spend money.

Consumer Jungle - Here's information for you on everything you need to know to survive in the real world. It's packed with tips, advice, and direction on how to navigate the consumer jungle.

Credit Card Facts - - Get to know more about credit cards - their advantages and disadvantages - before you use them.

Don't Buy It - Learn about adverstising tricks. Become a smart shopper.

Hands on Banking - For different age groups. How to budget, save your money, banking, and spending your money wisely.

It's My Life - Money - Did you know that tweens in the U.S. spend about $15 billion of their own money each year? Yikes! That’s a lot of dough. Learn how to spend it SMART!

Keeping a Money Diary - - This shows you how to keep a money diary for a month or two and find out just how you spend your money. And once you get started, you may find that you like keeping tracking your money.

Mad Money - PBS Kids Go - This game will get you thinking about earning money, saving up for larger purchases, and making wise spending choices.

Moneyopolis - Meet Xerbie, a visitor from outer space who's stranded in Moneyopolis because he couldn't save enough money to repair his broken spaceship. Help him get back home by answering questions and completing the game.

TeenSpace - Internet Public Library - The IPL has put together information to help you with life, school, friends, and work. You'll find articles written especially to help you solve problems, and links to websites you can use for homework.

The Mint - Find out what it takes to start your own business, learn how to save and invest your money wisely, or try out some cool quizzes and financial tools. You can also learn about your role in the economy and how to make a budget!

Trading Around the World Game - Play this game to experience the challenges and excitement of international trade. See if you can get the best price for the goods you sell and the biggest bargains for the goods you buy.

Young Investor - Teens - Ride the investing wave into your future. Surf through this site to get the scoop on what investing is all about.

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Page Revised - 3/30/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.