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Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Learn more about them here.

Bill of Rights – Charters of Freedom
Kids’ Bill of Rights – PBS Kids Go
The New United States of America Adopted the Bill of Rights – America’s Library
United States Bill of Rights - Wikipedia

A photo of the U.S. Constitution

Government Sites

Architect of the Capitol - Just for Kids - Learn about the Capitol building in Washington DC and the new Capitol Visitor Center.

Career Voyages - (Department of Labor) - Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? What job do you think you would like? At this fantastic website, you’ll learn all about different jobs, their pay and growth prospects, and how to prepare for them.

Court Reporter - Court reporters make word-for-word reports of court cases, meetings, speeches, and other events. Court reporters play a critical role in legal proceedings. They are expected to create a complete and accurate legal record.

High School Resources - (Foreign Service Institute) - Check out the links on this site, which includes information on different countries, Foreign Service teens, Digital Diaries, and World News.

Judge - Judges are in charge of trials. They make sure that trials are fair. They resolve differences between lawyers. They read the law to decide what lawyers can and can't do.

Middle School Stuff - (Foreign Service Institute) - This site has links to great places, like true stories from Foreign Service kids, 'A Day in the Life' of kids from several countries, and the Shy Kids Guide to Making Friends.

Police Officer - Police and detectives enforce laws. They catch criminals. They collect evidence. At times they testify in court. Others patrol set areas to prevent crime. Some patrol and give out traffic tickets. Some police direct traffic. Most police wear uniforms. Detectives and special agents work in regular clothes. Most detectives are part of regular police forces. Special agents work for Federal and State agencies.

Politician - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Politicians run Federal, State, and local governments; they are the Nation's chief executives and legislators. They get their jobs by being elected. They make and pass laws that affect all of us.

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Other Resources

Our Courts - 21st Century Civics - Our Courts is a free, interactive, web-based program designed to teach you civics and inspire you to be active participants in our democracy.

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Page Revised - 3/30/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.