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Want more? The SOTN Archive has older releases of the DIGITAL, ERP, HPI, MIR, PUBECON and SMLA files.

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05/05/2009release2009s.xlsSchedule of Hot Releases in year 2009 [Filesize: 217Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: Misc]
03/27/2009mirr.pdfMortgage Interest Rates - monthly report [Filesize: 90Kb] Filetype: PDF [: Misc]
05/05/2009tchm_prop.xlsTerms on Conventional Home Mortgages by Property Type - monthly report [Filesize: 38Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: Misc]
05/05/2009tchm_loan.xlsTerms on Conventional Home Mortages by Loan Type - monthly report [Filesize: 34Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: Misc]
05/05/2009tchm_lend.xlsTerms on Conventional Home Mortages by Lender Type - monthly report [Filesize: 33Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: Misc]
05/05/2009tchm_fixed.xlsTerms on Conventional Home Mortages by 15- and 30- Year Fixed Rate Loans - fourth Quarter 2008 [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: Misc]
03/06/2009tchm_metro_2008q4.xlsTerms on Conventional Home Mortages by Metropolitan Area - quarterly report [Filesize: 65Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: Misc]
03/31/2009tchm_fhl_2008q4.xlsTerms on Conventional Home Mortgages by Federal Home Loan Bank District - fourth Quarter 2008 [Filesize: 48Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: Misc]
04/22/2009hpi_m.pdfHousing Price Index - monthly report [Filesize: 212Kb] Filetype: PDF [: Misc]
02/25/2009hpi_q.pdfHousing Price Index - quarterly report [Filesize: 1101Kb] Filetype: PDF [: Misc]

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