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Want more? The SOTN Archive has older releases of the C40, CC, CONST, DURGD, EI, HOME-SL, HOUS-VAC, HOUSE, INDEX, MTIS, NROB, REAL, RETAIL, ROB, S-I-O, SBQEI, SEMI, T2YU, T2YV, T3YU, T3YV, TABA, TB2U, TB2V, TB3U, TB3V, UMCC and WHSALE files.

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05/01/2009ei.txt[TOP50] Economic Indicators Summary (ASCII text) [Filesize: 12Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
05/05/2009semi0905.docReport on Business, Semiannual [Filesize: 585Kb] Filetype: Word [: EconInd]
05/01/2009ei.wk1Economic Indicators Summary (WK1 format) [Filesize: 47Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009ei.wk4Economic Indicators Summary (WK4 format) [Filesize: 44Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
04/23/2009sbqei_2008q4.pdfSmall Business Quarterly Indicators: 2008 4th Quarter [Filesize: 58Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
12/09/2008semi0812.docSemiannual Forecast for Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Purchases on 12/09/2008, from the National Association of Purchasing Management [Filesize: 843Kb] Filetype: Word [: EconInd]
05/01/2009rob.doc[TOP50] Report on Business, Current release [Filesize: 637Kb] Filetype: Word [: EconInd]
05/05/2009nrob.doc[TOP50] Non-Manufacturing Report on Business, Current release [Filesize: 287Kb] Filetype: Word [: EconInd]
05/01/2009umcc.pdfConsumer Confidence, Current release [Filesize: 54Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/20/2009index.pdf[TOP50] Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators (text and tables) [Filesize: 216Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/28/2009cc.docConsumer Confidence Survey, Current release [Filesize: 355Kb] Filetype: Word [: EconInd]
04/24/2009durgd.pdf[TOP50] Advance Report on Durable Goods -- Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (with durgd_table1.xls and durgd_table2.xls) [Filesize: 89Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/24/2009durgd_table1.xls[TOP50] Advance Report on Durable Goods -- Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders - Table 1 [Filesize: 33Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
04/24/2009durgd_table2.xls[TOP50] Advance Report on Durable Goods -- Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders - Table 2 [Filesize: 30Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/16/2008m3-3(07).pdfBenchmark report for Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: 2007 [Filesize: 1796Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/16/2009house.pdf[TOP50] New Residential Construction (pdf format) [Filesize: 37Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/16/2009house.xls[TOP50] New Residential Construction (excel format) [Filesize: 198Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
04/24/2009home-sl.pdf[TOP50] New Residential Sales (PDF format) [Filesize: 33Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/24/2009home-sl.xls[TOP50] New Residential Sales (Excel format) [Filesize: 185Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
04/27/2009hous-vac.pdf[TOP50] Housing Vacancies [Filesize: 149Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
05/04/2009const.pdf[TOP50] Value of New Construction Put in Place (PDF format) [Filesize: 109Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
05/04/2009const.xls[TOP50] Value of New Construction Put in Place (Excel format) [Filesize: 434Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
04/14/2009mtis.pdf[TOP50] Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales Summary (formerly called INV-SALE.CEN) (PDF version) [Filesize: 61Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/14/2009mtis.cen[TOP50] Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales Summary (formerly called INV-SALE.CEN) [Filesize: 15Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/14/2009retail.cen[TOP50] Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services (text format) [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/14/2009retail.pdf[TOP50] Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services (pdf format) [Filesize: 72Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/08/2009whsale.pdf[TOP50] Monthly Wholesale Trade (PDF format) [Filesize: 118Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/08/2009whsale.xls[TOP50] Monthly Wholesale Trade (Excel format) [Filesize: 158Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
04/08/2009mwts_benchmark_2009.pdfAnnual Revision of Monthly Wholesale Distributors: Sales and Inventories - 2009 [Filesize: 499Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o.pdf[TOP50] Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3) (PDF format) [Filesize: 134Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o.xls[TOP50] Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Tables 1-8 (Excel format) [Filesize: 132Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o_table1p.xlsManufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Table 1. Value of Manufacturers' Shipments for Industry Groups [Filesize: 38Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o_table2p.xlsManufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Table 2. Value of Manufacturers' New Orders for Industry Groups [Filesize: 34Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o_table3p.xlsManufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Table 3. Value of Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders for Industry Groups [Filesize: 57Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o_table4p.xlsManufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Table 4. Value of Manufacturers' Inventories for Industry Groups [Filesize: 38Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o_table5p.xlsManufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Table 5. Value of Manufacturers' Shipments, New Orders, Unfilled Orders, and Total Inventories for Topical Series [Filesize: 60Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o_table6p.xlsManufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Table 6. Value of Manufacturers' Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication, by Industry Group [Filesize: 34Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
05/01/2009s-i-o_table78p.xlsManufactures' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (M3): Table 7. Ratios of Manufacturers' Inventories to Shipments and Unfilled Orders to Shipments, by Industry Group & Table 8. Revisions to Previously Published Monthly Percent Changes [Filesize: 33Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: EconInd]
04/24/2009c40.exe[TOP50] Census Construction Review (compressed self-extracting file), Current release [Filesize: 205Kb] Filetype: Self_extracting [: EconInd]
04/22/2009table1f.pdfNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate -- South and West Regions [Filesize: 9Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/22/2009table1e.pdfNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate -- Northeast and Midwest Region [Filesize: 10Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/22/2009table1d.pdfNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate -- United States [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/22/2009table1c.pdfNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Unadjusted Data for South and West Regions [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/22/2009table1b.pdfNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Unadjusted Data for Northeast and Midwest Regions [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/22/2009table1a.pdfNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Unadjusted Units for United States [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
04/24/2009tb3v.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Valuation by Metropolitan Area, Current release [Filesize: 31Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009tb3u.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Unadjusted Units by Metropolitan Area, Current release [Filesize: 36Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009tb2v.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Valuation for Regions, Divisions, and States, Current release [Filesize: 5Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009tb2u.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Unadjusted Units for Regions, Divisions, and States, Current release [Filesize: 5Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009taba.txtRelative Standard Error of New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Current release [Filesize: 12Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009t3yv.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Valuation by Metropolitan Area, Current release [Filesize: 31Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009t3yu.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Unadjusted Units by Metropolitan Area, Current release [Filesize: 32Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009t2yv.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Valuation for Regions, Divisions, and States, Current release [Filesize: 5Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/24/2009t2yu.txtNew Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized, Unadjusted Units for Regions, Divisions, and States, Current release [Filesize: 6Kb] Filetype: Text [: EconInd]
04/15/2009real.pdf[TOP50] Real Earnings (PDF format) [Filesize: 34Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
01/21/2009sa200901.docThe Institute for Supply Management (ISM) has released the ISM Seasonal Adjustments of January 2009 [Filesize: 359Kb] Filetype: Word [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cesan_2007.pdfConsumer Expenditures in 2007 Statistical Release [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_2006.pdfConsumer Expenditures in 2006 Report [Filesize: 121Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_atlanta.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Atlanta Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 113Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
05/04/2009cex_baltimore.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Baltimore Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 379Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_boston.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Boston Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 186Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_chicago.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Chicago Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 172Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_cleveland.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Cleveland Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 163Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_dallas.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Dallas-Forth Worth Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 74Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_detroit.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Detroit Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 167Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_houston.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Houston Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 211Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_la.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Los Angeles Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 199Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_miami.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Miami Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 117Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_minneapolis.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Minneapolis Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 169Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_nyc.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - New York Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 159Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_phoenix.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Phoenix Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 189Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_philadelphia.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Philadelphia Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 196Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_pittsburgh.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 435Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_sanfran.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - San Francisco Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 189Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_seattle.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Seattle Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 182Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cex_dc.pdfConsumer Expenditure News - Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area [Filesize: 217Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_age_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Age of reference person [Filesize: 21Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_cucomp_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Composition of consumer unit [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_educat_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Education of reference person [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_higherincome_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Higher income before taxes [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_hispanic_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Hispanic or Latino origin of reference person [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_tenure_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Housing tenure and type of area [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_income_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Income before taxes [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_earners_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Number of earners in consumer unit [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_occup_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Occupation of reference person [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_population_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Population size of area of residence [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_quintile_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Quintiles of income before taxes [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_race_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Race of reference person [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_region_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Region of residence [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_cusize_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Size of consumer unit [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cet_sage_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Table 2007: Selected age of reference person [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_age_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Age of reference person [Filesize: 15Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_cucomp_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Composition of consumer unit [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_educat_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Education of reference person [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_higherincome_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Higher income before taxes [Filesize: 15Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_hispanic_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Hispanic or Latino origin of reference person [Filesize: 13Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_tenure_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Housing tenure and type of area [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_income_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Income before taxes [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_earners_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Number of earners in consumer unit [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]
03/27/2009cest_occup_2007.pdfCurrent Expenditure Shares Table 2007: Occupation of reference person [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: EconInd]

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