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How can I look up a public meeting notice?

There are two options when looking up a public meeting notice. You can either "search" for a meeting or "browse" for a meeting.

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What is the difference between "Search for a meeting" and "Browse for a Meeting"?

When you "search for a meeting" you usually know some specific information for the meeting you are trying to find, such as the government entity, dates, or subject. The search tool allows you to quickly locate the specific meeting notice you are looking for. The "browse for a meeting" feature allows you to select specific information from a hierarchy of categories to help narrow your search. This tool is effective if you are not exactly sure what meeting or public body you are searching for. It is also effective if you want to know all different types of meetings that a public body is holding.

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What is a Government type?

A Government type is the arrangement of government entities into categories such as state, county, city, special districts, and schools.

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What is an Entity?

An entity is the state, its agencies, and political subdivisions. For example, the Department of Community and Culture or the City of Taylorsville is an entity.

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What is a Public Body?

A Public Body is a board, commission, or committee that holds public meetings.

According to UCA 52-4-103(7), a Public Body is "any administrative, advisory, executive, or legislative body of the state or its political subdivisions that is created by the Utah Constitution, statue, rule, ordinance, or resolution; consists of two or more persons; expends, disburses, or is supported in whole or in part by tax revenue; and is vested with the authority to make decisions regarding the public's business. "Public Body" does not include a: political party, political group, or political caucus; or conference committee, rules committee, or sifting committee of the Legislature."

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What do the different subscription options mean?

There are three different subscription options for public bodies and individual meeting notices available: RSS, iCalendar, and Email.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based family of Web feed format for publishing frequently updated Web content, such as news headlines, blog entries, or podcasts. Using an RSS reader, you can view data feeds from various sources. RSS makes it possible to keep up with your favorite websites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.

iCalendar is a standard calendar data exchange. It allows users to send meeting requests and tasks to other users through email. This option will add meeting notices and updates to your calendar upon receipt.

The email option will allow you to receive meeting notifications and updates directly to your email. This is a good option for those without access to RSS readers or iCalendar.

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Is the address for the Public Body the meeting location address?

Not necessarily. The address for the Public Body is the location of the main office building. The meeting location may or may not be at the main office. See the meeting notice for further details. The location of the meeting will be listed.

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What Public Bodies are required to post their notices on the Utah Public Meeting Notices Website?

All state agencies and political subdivisions are required to post to the website, with a few exceptions. For example, municipalities and special districts that have a current annual budget of less than $1 million are encouraged, but not required to post written notice on the website. For these exceptions, please see UCA 52-4-202(3)(b).

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Who can post public meeting notices to the Utah Public Meeting Notices Website?

Only an authorized poster of a Public Body can post public meeting notices to the website.

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Who can I contact for more information regarding Public Meeting Notice?

For information regarding the Public Meeting Notice, please contact:
Tiffany B. O'Sheal
Utah Public Meeting Notice Website Administrator
Division of Archives

After finding the entity name that I am looking for, I click on the name but nothing is happening. Where are the search results?

When using the simple search or advanced search option, the entity name is generated from the information you begin to type in. When you click on the entity name you are looking for, it will only fill in the entity field. In order to get the meeting notice search results, you must click on the "see results" button at the bottom of the page. Clicking the name in the entity field will not link you to the results, it just saves you the time from filling in the field and helps you to locate the official name of the entity that you are searching for.

How can I download Adobe PDF Reader?

Visit Adobe's web site and download their free Acrobat Reader.

How to I subscribe to a public body

You will need to individually subscribe to each public body that you would like to receive notices for. Please note that the public body must have published one notice before you are able to subscribe.

  1. After searching or browsing for a notice of the public body you are interested in, click on any posting for that public body.
  2. This page gives the notice details. In the upper left hand corner of the public notice details, it gives the public body name, in red, large letters. It is also underlined. Click on the public body name.
  3. This page gives the public body details. To the right hand side of the screen, it lists the subscription options.
  4. To subscribe to a public body, select the type of subscription you want (RSS Feed or Email).

By subscribing to a public body, you will be notified of any new notices as well as any updates to current notices published on the website for that public body.