*The Senate stands in adjournment until 9:30 a.m. Thursday, May 7.
*At 9:30 a.m., the Senate will be in Morning Business for up to 1 hour, with the first half under Republican control and the second half under Majority control.
*Thereafter, the Senate will resume consideration of S. 896, the Housing bill, and begin a series of up to
10 roll call VOTES on the remaining amendments to Dodd/Shelby substitute amendment #1018 and final passage of S. 896, as amended, in the following order:
1) Reed amdt. #1039, as modified (TARP warrant liquidation);
2) Boxer amdt. #1035, as modified (notice of mortgage transfer, sale, or reassignment);
3) Casey amdt. #1033 (foreclosure prevention assistance);

4) Grassley amdt. #1020, as modified (TARP oversight by Comptroller General);
5) Coburn 2nd-degree amdt. #1042 (expedited disposal of federal real property) to Reed amendment #1040; 6) Reed amdt. #1040 (reauthorize Homeless Assistance Act) as amended, if amended;
7) Kerry amdt. #1036, as modified (Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act);

8) Schumer amdt. #1031, as modified (multifamily mortgage resolution program);
9) Grassley amendment #1021, as modified (Fed auditing by Comptroller General); and
10) Passage of S. 896, as amended, the Housing bill (the Dodd/Shelby substitute amdt. #1018, as amended, will be agreed to by UC prior to the vote).
*Thereafter, the Senate will begin consideration of S. 454, the Defense Procurement bill.