Ensuring Children Have the Health Care They Need

January 23, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined Senator John Rockefeller, Gerald Smith, Associate Director of the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations, and student artist Muhammad Ibrahim at a press conference today to discuss Democrats’ efforts to strengthen the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Democrats are working to pass a bill similar to the ones vetoed by President Bush last Congress that will improve the lives of low-income, uninsured children by ensuring they get the doctor visits and medicines they need when they’re sick and the checkups they need to stay well. The event also featured artwork submitted by students from around the nation highlighting the importance of providing health coverage to children.

“CHIP is a critical program as states begin to run out of money for children’s health care – in the state of Nevada alone more than 100,000 children remain uninsured,” Reid said. “We will enact a bipartisan bill that improves the lives of uninsured children by ensuring they get the doctor visits and medicines they need when they’re sick and the checkups they need to stay well. Not only is passing CHIP the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do.” Said Rockefeller: “This isn't about politics, this is about children and it’s about doing what's right. With our nation’s economy in crisis and Americans facing the uncertainty that comes with losing their jobs and their health insurance, health care coverage for all children is more important than ever before. Medicaid and CHIP are a critical safety net for working families and their children during these extremely hard economic times. In the years since we created CHIP, millions of America’s children have received needed, and in many instances life-saving, care. It is time to provide that vital coverage to even more of our children, including legal immigrant children. I am eager to finally finish this important mission and give nearly 11 million children the care they need and deserve.” Senate Democrats will act quickly to ensure that America’s children have the health care they need. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, help homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.

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Ensuring Equal Pay for Equal Work

Ensuring Equal Pay for Equal Work

January 22, 2009 - Democratic Senators joined Lilly Ledbetter and Marcia Greenberger, founder and co-President of the National Women’s Law Center, at a press conference today to discuss the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Senate Democrats are working to provide equal pay for equal work, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act ensures all Americans are paid the same wage regardless of their age, gender, race or ethnicity.

“We are here today to give the nation a wake-up call! Wage discrimination still exists because there are loopholes in our federal laws. We want to close the loopholes,” said Mikulski. “Change in the federal law books means change in women’s checkbooks. We need to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. It's time for a new American revolution - we need to put on our lipstick, square our shoulders and fight together!” Said Murray: “The Senate has a proud history of working across the aisle to pass civil rights laws. And I’m proud that because of those laws my daughter now has the right to work in the same jobs – and achieve the same success – as my son. But we haven’t eliminated unfairness in the workplace. I believe we should all fight long and hard whenever Americans are denied the ability to fight their rights. And that’s why we’re here today.” Said Ledbetter: “Women from all over the country have told me how they are paid less for doing the same job as their male colleagues – and now there’s nothing they can do. Congress has the opportunity to restore the promise that the Supreme Court broke in my case and to protect women from pay discrimination by enacting the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.” Senate Democrats will act quickly to give workers the means to protect themselves from pay discrimination. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.

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Pressing for Action on the Economic Recovery Package

Pressing for Action on the Economic Recovery Package

January 14, 2009 - Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez joined Terry O'Sullivan, President of the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA), and Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), at a press conference today to discuss the urgent need for an economic recovery package. With our nation's unemployment at the highest rate in 16 years, Democrats are focused on passing an economic recovery package that creates jobs, aids our struggling states and localities, and gets our economy back on track.

"There is no longer a debate in Washington about whether or not we need a recovery package," said Schumer. "There is broad agreement on both sides of the aisle that a package is necessary. That has made negotiations very productive, as everyone wants the same thing. We all want to put together a package that will stimulate the economy, provide relief for the states, and create jobs to help middle class families who are struggling to get by." Senator Mendendez said, "Americans are being hit hard in this economy, so we need to pass an economic recovery package as soon as possible." Senate Democrats will act quickly to put Americans to work and strengthen our economy. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.

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Urging Action on the Economic Recovery Package

Urging Action on the Economic Recovery Package

January 8, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus today discussed their thoughts for a bold economic recovery package. Democrats are working on a bipartisan plan that will create jobs, improve our economy now and strengthen our nation over the long term.

“Our nation’s economy is in a state of emergency,” Reid said. “We need a plan that not only will create jobs and improve our economy now, but will strengthen our nation over the long term.” Senate Democrats will act quickly to address this economic crisis, create jobs and provide relief to our struggling middle class. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.

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Renewing The American Dream

Renewing The American Dream

January 7, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin, Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Charles Schumer, and Democratic Conference Secretary Patty Murray held a press conference this week to discuss Democratic priorities for the 111th Congress. In the coming weeks, Democrats will be working to revive our economy, protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans.

“This Congress, Democrats have one explicit goal: to deliver the change Americans have demanded,” Reid said. “We are confronting some of the most severe problems we have faced in generations. They didn’t happen overnight and they won’t be solved in a day, but by working together in a bipartisan fashion, Democrats know we can move our country forward.” Read more.

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Working To Recover America’s Economy

Working To Recover America's Economy

January 5, 2009 - As the 111th Congress prepare to convene this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and bipartisan Congressional Leadership met with President-Elect Barack Obama and Vice President-Elect Joe Biden to start one of the most important discussions of the year – outlining an economic recovery plan that creates jobs, invests in America, puts the middle class first and strengthens our economy. In the coming weeks, Senate Democratic Leadership will be working with the incoming Administration and their Republican counterparts to revive our economy, with a specific focus on creating jobs and carefully targeted investments in America’s roads, bridges and technology, we can reenergize our economy and make it work for everyone.

Our nation’s economy is in a state of emergency. We urgently need a plan as large and bold as the crisis we face, and it must include the accountability to ensure taxpayer money is used properly. There is much work to do and a lot at stake. Only by working quickly and together in a bipartisan fashion can we do the important work to move our country forward.

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Working To Save The American Auto Industry

Working To Save The American Auto Industry

December 11, 2008 - This week the Congress and the Administration work on legislation that will protect hundreds of thousands of American jobs and the financial security of millions of families. The Senate is currently considering the Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act that would provide immediate assistance to the ailing U.S. auto industry while requiring strong taxpayer protections and oversight, limiting executive compensation, and demanding auto companies restructure to ensure their long-term viability. If the companies fail to come up with a plan that will lead to long-term competitiveness and profitability, or if they fail to stick to that plan, the loan can be recalled or the companies will face bankruptcy.

Senate Democrats take no satisfaction in loaning taxpayer money to the “Big Three” domestic auto companies, but we know we must prevent an already-reeling economy from sinking further into recession. We are not doing this for the sake of executives who made major mistakes. We are acting on behalf of the workers and their families who rely on a healthy auto industry for their livelihoods. The Senate will need support and cooperation from Republicans to determine when this bill will come to a vote and whether millions of workers will keep their jobs.

Reid Meets With Key Members Of Obama's New Team

Reid Meets With Key Members Of Obama's New Team

December 9, 2008 -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid met this week with Treasury Secretary Nominee Tim Geithner and Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder, two critical members of President Elect Barack Obama's new Administration. Senator Reid praised Mr. Geithner as a man who would help lead America "out of recession by rebuilding the middle class and ensuring a strong, sustainable economy."

The Majority Leader praised Mr. Holder as "a long time public servant who will restore the public trust in the justice system and bring the Department of Justice back to a position of independence and integrity. Senator Reid looks forward to a swift confirmation process so that the new Congress and Administration can begin to deliver the change that Americans demand and desperately need.

Reid Headlines A Clean Energy Roundtable

Reid Headlines A Clean Energy Roundtable

December 3, 2008 - This week Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid headlined a roundtable entitled "The New Revolution: America's Clean Energy Future" hosted by the Third Way. Senator Reid talked about the great opportunity the incoming Congress and Administration have to champion clean energy initiatives by building on the passage of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which called for increases in vehicle fuel efficiency, alternative fuels production and programs to increase efficiency of the lights, appliances and office buildings.

"At a time when the need for clean, renewable energy is clearer than ever, our ability to turn sun, wind and geothermal into real power that heats and cools our homes and powers our automobiles has never been better," said Reid adding, "greening the grid won't be easy or quick, but with the help of the Obama Administration, utility companies and a willing Congress, we will make it happen." The roundtable discussion brought together a broad range of business, labor and other players in the energy debate.

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Congress Celebrates The Opening Of the Capitol Visitor Center

Congress Celebrates The Opening Of the Capitol Visitor Center

December 2, 2008 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and House Republican Leader John Boehner spoke at the opening ceremony of the United States Capitol Visitor Center this week. In his prepared remarks Senator Reid called the Center, "an engineering feat that will stand the test of time," making the facility and those work within it safer, while "enriching the visitor's experience for the 3 million" who will visit every year.

The new Capitol Visitor Center will provide enhanced security and educational opportunities to the millions of people who visit the Capitol each year. It is the largest expansion of the Capitol in over a century and will feature a more visitor-friendly environment including a restaurant, exhibition center, and meeting space for public hearings and events.

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Reid Re-Elected As Majority Leader

Reid Re-Elected As Majority Leader

November 19, 2008 - Senator Harry Reid was re-elected as Senate Majority Leader this week by his colleagues in the Democratic caucus. As Majority Leader, Senator Reid will continue to set the legislative agenda for the Senate while working to chart a new course for our country. "I am honored to be re-elected as the Senate Majority Leader," said Senator Reid adding, "It is a privilege that allows me to provide solutions to the challenges facing Nevada and the country. I thank my fellow Democratic Senators for again entrusting me with this position. This year has been particularly challenging for all Americans, and with a narrow majority, passing timely legislation has at times been difficult."

Senator Reid looks forward to working with his colleagues in Congress and the new President-elect to tackle the many issues that lie before us and to move this country forward. He also announced the Senate Democratic Leadership for the 111th Congress. Read more.

Welcome To Our New Democratic Senators

Welcome To Our New Democratic Senators

November 17, 2008 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid welcomed the new Democratic-Senators elect who will join the 111th Congress this week. Senators-Elect Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Mark Warner, Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, and Jeff Merkely met with Senator Reid for a brief discussion on the many issues the Americans have asked Congress to address.

"We have a lot of work to do and many challenges ahead. This is a new chapter for our nation, and I am looking forward to working with my colleagues in Congress, our new President-elect, and our new Democratic Senators standing with me right now, to tackle the many issues that lie before us and move this country forward," said Senator Reid welcoming the new Democratic Senators-Elect and their spouses.

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A Mandate for Change

A Mandate for Change

November 5, 2008 - The American people have spoken and they have demanded change. The Senate Democrats are excited to congratulate the President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama, and welcome the new Democrats elected to Congress. Senate Democrats welcome the new perspectives and new energy to the job of passing legislation that benefits the American people.

With our economy reeling at home and two wars raging overseas, our work is far too important to leave anybody out. Our commitment to bipartisanship has never been stronger. President-Elect Obama and all Democrats are clear-eyed about the challenges we face. Eight years of wrongheaded policies have put our country in a deep, deep hole and we are not going to get out overnight. Senate Democrats will continue to work every day to deliver the change that Americans rightfully demand and desperately need.


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Today in the Senate
January 29, 2009:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. and resume consideration of H.R. 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act.

There will be roll call votes throughout the day as the Senate continues to work through amendments to the Children’s Health bill.


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