RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that allows organizations to deliver news to a desktop computer or other Internet device. By subscribing to RSS feeds, users can easily stay up-to-date with areas of the Library's site that are of interest. The Library of Congress offers several RSS feeds for use in an RSS reader or RSS-enabled Web browser. Library feeds consist of headline, brief summary, and a link that leads back to the Library's Web site for more information.
General News from the Library |
Latest News
A bulletin service of the latest news from the world's preeminent reservoir of knowledge, providing resources to Congress and the American people |
Library of Congress Information Bulletin
A monthly magazine of in-depth features on the Library's treasures and programs |
Library of Congress Blog
Musings on the unsurpassed collections and activities at the Library of Congress, the nation's oldest federal cultural institution, and a peek behind-the-scenes from a Library insider |
News from the John W. Kluge Center
Updates on lectures, presentations and other news from this center for scholars established to bring together the world’s best thinkers, to stimulate scholarly discussion and to interact with policymakers in Washington |
Hours of Operation
Changes in standard hours of operation and emergency closing notices |
Library of Congress Experience
Updates on the Library's interactive experience and exhibitions at its remarkable Thomas Jefferson Building in Washington |
Library Web Site Updates |
New on the Web
Updates on new collections, features, reference materials and other services available on the Library's award-winning Web site |
New Webcasts
The latest webcasts and podcasts of lectures and events sponsored by the Library |
The Wise Guide to
Through little-know facts, the Wise Guide is an introduction to the fascinating and useful Web resources available from the Library. |
Events at the Library |
Upcoming Events
Listing of the dozens of free concerts, lectures, exhibitions, symposia, films and other special programs offered at the Library on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
Poetry Events
Notifications of upcoming poetry readings, presentations, symposia, guidelines and other poetry activities at the Library of Congress |
Folklife Events
Notifications of upcoming folklife concerts, lectures, symposia, and other events and programs at the American Folklife Center |
Law Library Events
The latest news and upcoming events from the Law Library of Congress |
Topics |
Copyright: All Notices from the U.S. Copyright Office |
Legislative Developments
Notices of current copyright-related legislation |
Federal Register Notices
Announcements, rules, proposed rules and other notices published in the Federal Register |
Alerts on hearings, deadlines for comments, new and proposed regulations, new publications and more |
What's New at the Copyright Office
Alerts on new Copyright Office website postings and other
announcements |
Digital Preservation |
Digital Preservation
Provides updates and announcements about the Library's program to preserve the nation's digital heritage |
Folklife and Culture: American Folklife Center |
Folklife Events
Notifications of upcoming folklife concerts, lectures, symposia, and other events and programs at the American Folklife Center |
Folklife News
The latest information on programs, scholarships, awards, publications, and other projects of the American Folklife Center |
Folklife Quarterly Newsletter
Notification of the publication of our quarterly newsletter, Folklife Center News, available in print and on-line formats
Legal Issues: Law Library of Congress |
Global Legal Monitor
News of legal developments from around the world, drawn from the Global Legal Information Network, official national legal publications, and reliable press sources. |
News & Events
The latest news and upcoming events from the Law Library of Congress |
Legal Research Reports
Guides published by the Law Library of Congress providing legal commentary and recommended resources on issues and events with legal significance |
Notices of new webcasts from the Law Library of Congress |
Newspapers and Journalism |
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
Updates on new content, points of interest, research and re-use of the Chronicling America digitized newspapers |
Poetry |
Poetry News
The latest poetry news from the Poetry & Literature Center and updates on new poetry resources available on the Library's Web site |
Poetry 180
Read a poem each weekday of the school year from the Library's Poetry 180 project. First poem of the next school year will be sent September 4, 2007 |
Poetry Events
Notifications of upcoming poetry readings, presentations, symposia, guidelines and other poetry activities at the Library of Congress |
Science |
What's New in Science Reference
New products and services on the subject of science and technology from the Library's Science, Technology & Business Division |
Veteran's History Project |
Updates from the Veterans History Project (VHP)
Rare interviews, notices of events, and special features from this collection of more than 60,000 first-hand stories as told by America's war veterans from WWI through current conflicts.
Visual Resources |
News from the Prints & Photographs Division
Noteworthy online collections, acquisitions, research aids, and public programs. |
For Librarians |
Library of Congress Classification Weekly Lists
Listing of new and revised Library of Congress Classification numbers and captions approved by the weekly editorial meeting of the Policy and Standards Division of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate |
Library of Congress Subject Headings Weekly Lists
Listing of new and revised Library of Congress subject headings approved by the weekly editorial meeting of the Policy and Standards Division of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate |
For Teachers |
News for Teachers
Updates on new Web content, professional development opportunities and Library programs, events and services of special interest to educators |