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Industry Outreach Team

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Conferences and Events

The NSA Acquisition Organization conducts a variety of outreach initiatives for the purpose of establishing partnerships with industry, academia, and other local, state, and federal government entities.

If you are interested in participating in any of the following upcoming events, please contact the Acquisition Outreach Team at (301)688-7866, or via e-mail at

"Preparing for Success: A Start-up Guide to Working with NSA"

"Preparing for Success" is designed to assist new vendors, large and small, in learning about this Agency, our needs, and special programs intended to enhance our industrial base. Information on both internal and external marketing opportunities will be provided as well. Registration is required in advance and will be secured on a first-come, first-served basis. To register for the meeting, please send an e-mail to Please note: you must be a US citizen to attend. Registration is limited to two people per company. View upcoming dates!

Technology Expositions:

These events are designed to provide NSA personnel with a convenient opportunity to observe the latest technologies of interest to NSA and to provide companies with a cost- and time-effective forum to demonstrate their capabilities. We survey the population within the campus buildings and match the exhibiting vendors with the correct venue to enable a productive and successful experience. View upcoming dates!

Business in A Minute:

Our Business in a Minute event consists of focused meetings scheduled throughout the day between industry representatives, NSA prime contractors, and NSA government offices. Industry representatives have 15 minutes to present their best case for doing business with this Agency to the prime contractors and government offices. Hosts, in response, either schedule a follow-up meeting with the company or advise the company that their products/services are not of current interest or must be further researched.

Date of this year's event is: June 22, 2009

NSA Acquisition/Industry Symposium (NA/IS):

NA/IS is an annual classified event held in the spring that provides detailed information on NSA's acquisition intentions for the future. NSA provides industry with current, relevant acquisition information, such as near-term solicitation schedules and long-term government business forecasts, intended to support industry's strategic business planning. The Symposium is typically held in the spring and attendance is restricted to individuals with the appropriate level of clearance. Details regarding NA/IS will be released via NSA's Acquisition Resource Center (ARC).


Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Apr 14, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Apr 14, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service