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NGS workshop NGS conducts the following workshops throughout the United States, involving the cooperation of professional societies, universities, and international, Federal, state, and local organizations. NGS also develops new workshops upon request, provided it has the necessary resources and the material is within NGS' mission.

BLUE BOOKING is a 1/2-day seminar giving an overview of the process of creating digital files and hard copy for survey data from a project that is to be submitted to NGS for inclusion in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

CALIBRATION BASE LINES is a 1-day workshop on evaluating the results obtained by electronic distance measuring instruments over a calibration base line, and ensuring the instrument will perform within the manufacturer's stated accuracy.

USING CORS (CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS) is a 1/2-day workshop designed for persons who use Global Positioning System (GPS) data for post-processing applications. The National CORS system comprises a network of more than 200 sites, each containing a geodetic-quality GPS receiver whose data are made freely available via the Internet. Topics include a description of CORS information and its various applications (positioning, GIS development, remote sensing, etc.), how to access CORS information, and how to use publicly available utilities for processing GPS data.
PowerPoint Slides [160 slides, 21.5MB]  -- OR view HTML Slide Show

DEVELOPING AN ACCURATE GIS/LIS is a 1-day seminar on creating a Geographic Information System/Land Information System. Topics include essential geodetic concepts, coordinate systems, accuracy standards, and surveying methods.

FUNDAMENTALS OF THE NATIONAL SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (Instructor - Dave Doyle)  -  This program discusses the foundational elements of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), including: Fundamental geodetic concepts of horizontal and vertical datums (NAD 83 and NAVD 88), reference ellipsoids and geoid models, coordinate systems such as State Plane and Universal Transverse Mercator Grid, and elements of the recently completed NAD 83 national readjustment.  Also discussed is the realization of the datums in the form of GPS High Accuracy Reference Networks (HARNs) and Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) and associated utilities such as the On Line User Positioning Service (OPUS).

NGS workshop

GPS-DERIVED HEIGHTS - PART 1: DEVELOPMENT AND DESCRIPTION OF NGS GUIDELINES is a 1/2-day seminar on: heights and height systems and their relationships, development, description, and application of NGS GPS-derived ellipsoid height guidelines, and basic procedures for estimating GPS-derived orthometric heights.
PowerPoint Slides [137 slides, 5.68MB]

GPS-DERIVED HEIGHTS - PART 2: PLANNING AND EVALUATING A GPS VERTICAL SURVEY is a 1/2-day seminar on: brief review of NGS GPS-derived ellipsoid height guidelines, development of a sample project following NGS' GPS- derived ellipsoid height guidelines, discussion of base line processing and analysis of repeat base line results, discussion of adjustment procedures and analysis of results, and procedures for estimating project GPS-derived orthometric heights.
PowerPoint Slides [152 slides, 10.8MB]

GPS PROCESSING WORKSHOPS - NGS provides two workshops in the use of NGS software for processing GPS data. Related software is also presented as appropriate for the goals of the particpants. Participants supply their own laptop computers. The number of participants can range from just a few to no more than 15 people.

  • PAGES WORKSHOP provides step-by-step instruction in the use of NGS software PAGES to perform vector reduction of GPS data. This workshop lasts 2 to 3 days depending on participants' level of experience.
  • ADJUST WORKSHOP provides step-by-step instruction in the use of NGS software to perform validity checking and adjustment of GPS data. This workshop lasts 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 days, depending on the participants' level of experience.
    PowerPoint Slides [64 slides, 1.2MB]  -- OR view HTML Slide Show

    NAVD 88 is a 1-day seminar on converting height values from NGVD 29 to NAVD 88, NGS policy on height transformations, NAVD 88 datum definition, and estimation of GPS-derived orthometric heights.
    PowerPoint Slides [96 slides, 4.16MB]  -- OR view HTML Slide Show

    NGS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES is a 1/2-day workshop summarizing current NGS data, software, publications, and user services.

    POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS is a 1/2-day workshop discussing new accuracy standards for survey point data developed by the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGCS), and point spatial data by the Federal Geographic Data Committee. The workshop explains the current FGCS accuracy standards, describes the new FGCS accuracy standards, and explains how NGS will classify and publish future survey data.
    PowerPoint Slides [101 slides, 3.16MB]  -- OR view HTML Slide Show

    STATE PLANE COORDINATES AND DATUM TRANSFORMATIONS is a 1-day workshop covering the development and use of State Plane Coordinate Systems, NAD 27 to NAD 83 transformation, and current NGS data products and software.

    SURVEY MARK PRESERVATION is a 2-hour workshop on reporting the condition of survey marks.

    TIDAL & GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUMS is a program designed to provide an understanding of the relationship between tidal datums, the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29). Topics include: Definitions of NAVD 88, NGVD 29 and the various tidal datums, tidal datum computation methods, improvement of the vertical component from GPS observations, interpolation between National Ocean Service (NOS) tidal stations, collecting tidal data relative to a local suite of bench marks, and the relationship to the latest national tidal datum epoch. This program can be presented as a 1-day seminar without hands-on computation of tidal datums or as a 2-day program with datum computations and analysis.

    For more information on the NGS Workshop Program, please contact: David R. Doyle, Telephone: 301-713-3178; Fax: 301-713-4327,   E-mail

    Last updated by Vicki.Veilleux on Wednesday, 07-May-2008 12:30:22 EDT