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Parks and Wildlife

Volunteers provide technical assistance and training in natural resource conservation, generally in close affiliation with national parks or other reserves. Their activities include technical training of park managers, working with park staff on wildlife surveys, conducting community-based conservation such as sustainable use of forest or marine resources, and promoting income-generating activities for communities living near protected areas.


Applicants can qualify with a bachelor's degree in wildlife biology, wildlife management, natural resource management, or recreation and park administration; or a degree in any discipline and three years of work experience in park planning or administration, resource management, or wildlife management.


Most applicants have experience in related internships or study-abroad programs. Many have had seasonal employment as a park ranger or docent at a zoo or natural history museum.

Other relevant experience includes conducting biological surveys of plants or animals; initiating environmental campaigns, tree planting, or other local conservation activities; and grant writing for conservation efforts.

Last updated Sep 27 2008

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