Interagency Council on Homelessness
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  1. Mayors affirm and expand their partnership to end homelessness in the nation
  2. Adopt Policy Resolutions affirming the goal of ending chronic homelessness and supporting strategies including  America's Road Home, 10-Year Plans, Community Champions, Project Homeless Connect,  Housing First, HUD-VASH, and reentry resources

Incoming U.S. Conference of Mayors President and 76th Annual Conference host Miami Mayor Manny Diaz

MIAMI, FLORIDA.  Hosted by incoming United States Conference of Mayors President and Miami Mayor Manny Diaz who on Monday accepted the gavel from Trenton Mayor Doug Palmer, the nation's Mayors convened in Miami on Friday for their 76th Annual Meeting. Throughout the Conference events, Mayors affirmed the goal of ending homelessness and expanded their bipartisan partnership with the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness ("Council") to end homelessness in the nation through partnership, innovation, jurisdictional accountability, and results. Mayor Diaz (shown here) was recognized  with the Council's 2008 Mayoral Leadership "Home for Every American" Award earlier this year at the Council's Third Annual National Summit for Jurisdictional Leaders.

It was just over five years ago that United States Interagency Council on Homelessness Executive Director Philip Mangano spoke at a Plenary Session of the Mayors Conference and challenged Mayors to join a national partnership to reduce and end the homelessness of those who are the most disabled and vulnerable homeless people. Director Mangano asked that 100 Mayors develop 10 Year Plans by mid 2004 to accomplish that mission in their cities.  127 mayors met that challenge and today there are 340 10 Year Plan efforts in communities across the country being led by Mayors and County Executives partnered with the Council. See story on this page on the most recently unveiled 10-Year Plans in Fort Worth, TX and Bakersfield/Kern County, CA. 

Mayors Hunger and Homelessness Task Force Convenes at the Community Partnership for Homeless Chapman Center at the invitation of Mayor Diaz

Mayor Diaz (left) with Director Mangano (center) and Des Moines Mayor Cownie (right) on way to Hunger and Homelessness Task Force meeting held off site at Chapman Homeless Assistance Center in downtown Miami.
Mayors Hunger and Homelessness Task Force Meeting
Council Director Mangano addresses Mayors Hunger and Homelessness Task Force. Seated next to Director Mangano (;l-r) Miami Mayor Diaz, Des Moines Mayor Cownie, San Francisco Mayor Newsom, The Doe Fund’s George McDonald, and Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden.

Accompanied by Miami Mayor Diaz, the Mayors Task Force on Hunger and Homelessness, co-chaired by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie, convened at the Chapman Homelessness AssistanceCenter on Saturday. The Chapman Center in downtown Miami is one of two one-stop centers operated by the Community Partnership for Homeless, which is the private sector partner in a strong public-private partnership with the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust.  The Center is considered a national model for helping homeless individuals and families regain self-sufficiency. Miami has previously reported a 50% decrease in its homeless population.  Read More

At the Task Force meeting, Interagency Council Director Mangano reported to the Mayors on the progress of the National Partnership including the reported decreases by cities large and small across the nation in street and chronic homelessness. "An evolution in approach from servicing to solving now has momentum all across the country through these 10-Year Plans."  

Director Mangano also reported to the Mayors on the adoption and results from the innovation of Project Homeless Connect, first pioneered to mobilize civic will to end homelessness in San Francisco by Mayor Gavin Newsom. More than 170 cities in the U.S., Canada, and Australia have now adopted thr results-oriented innovation to welcome their homeless neighbors into the life of the community.

The Doe Fund Founder and President George McDonald (shown far right) presents  success stories video at Hunger and Homelessness Task Force Meeting.The Doe Fund Founder and President George McDonald, honored by the  Council in April with a "Home for Every American" Award for his innovative employment and housing strategy, also was asked to address the Mayors. "Too many people in our country advocate for three hots and a cot, and the idea that we shouldn't expect anything from these individuals," said McDonald.  "Work works" is the motto of The Doe Fund's Ready, Willing, and Able program of housing, training, and employment, including several profit-making businesses, which have assisted thousands of persons in their transition out of homelessness.  Mr. McDonald showed a new video of success stories to the Mayors. The Task Force also heard from Patience Butler, Senior Manager of Share Our Strength, on the effort to end childhood hunger.

Much of the discussion during the Task Force meeting focused on new ideas and innovations to end homelessness. This emphasis was underscored by press coverage of the meeting in the Miami Herald, which noted: "The new mantra among big-city mayors and activists: curing homelessness," identifying the distinction between treating or managing homelessness and the innovations and solutions that are field tested and evidence based to end homelessness.  The Herald commented on the "dollars and cents" argument of the Council and Director Mangano's report to the Mayors that "plans work", with Miami's among the most successful. Director Mangano noted in his remarks that Mayors are examining costs and turning to "what's working" to achieve results.

The Mayors also discussed partnerships and the role of jurisdictional leadership in their plans. These themes were later echoed in formal Plenary Session remarks of Senator Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton who both identified jurisdictional leadership and the responsibility role of Mayors on the front lines as the nexus of accountability for performance and results in all areas of the community.

 "Investing in Results" is Key Theme of Policy Resolutions Adopted by Mayors

The Mayors Standing Committee on Community Development and Housing met on Saturday to consider a variety of policy resolutions. Among the Mayors in attendance were Green Bay Mayor and Vice-Chair James Schmitt who chaired the meeting, Atlanta Mayor Shirley Frankllin, Bridgeport CT Mayor Bill Finch,  Sacramento CA Mayor Heather Fargo, McKinney TX Mayor Bill Whitfield, Canton OH Mayor William Healy II, Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola, Schenectady NY Mayor Brian Stratton and Racine WI Mayor Gary Becker, The meeting was facilitated by USCM Assistant Director Gene Lowe. During  a plenary session on Monday, the Conference of Mayors adopted a series of Policy Resolutions that had been considered and approved on Saturday by the Standing Committee on Community Development and Housing ( shown here). These Policy Resolutions affirm the National Partnership and the work of the Council, encourage Mayors to sign onto the America's Road Home Statement of Principles and Actions, and promote the adoption and expansion of innovations such as 10 Year Plans, Housing First, Project Homeless Connect and HUD-VASH that are achieving results in preventing and ending homelessness. 

Read Policy Resolutions Adopted This Week by the U.S. Conference of Mayors:

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Last Updated:
January 8, 2009

The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
409 Third Street SW | Suite 310 | Washington, D.C. 20024
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