Geologic Maps on the web

State Maps || 1x2 Quads || 30'x60' Quads || 7.5' Quads
Non Quadrangle || National & State Parks || Postcards
Analytical Data || GIS Maps

Geologic maps available at DNR Map & Bookstore

National Geologic Map Database (outside link)
USGS/State cooperative National Geologic Map Database for maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey and most other sources.
Utah part of database updated monthly by Utah Geological Survey.

Geologic maps use a combination of colors, lines, and symbols to depict the relative age, composition, and relationships among rocks and sediments at and near the earth's surface.

A detailed geologic map shows:
  • what it is you are standing on;
  • where similar rocks or sediments may be found;
  • how old they are;
  • what they are composed of;
  • how they formed;
  • how they have been affected by faulting, folding, or other geologic processes; and
  • what existing or potential mineral resources or geologic hazards are nearby.

Online Maps

State of Utah geologic maps
Includes interactive geologic map of Utah at 1:500,000-scale; simplified 1:2,500,000-scale maps, ideal for 8 1/2" x11" presentations; and, the postcard geologic map of Utah.

Non-quadrangle geologic maps
These maps are published at various scales and may cover part of one or more 7.5', 30'x60', or 1°x2° quadrangles.

National & State Parks geologic maps
These maps are published at various scales ranging from 1:24,000 to 1:100,000, and may cover part of one or more 7.5' or 30'x60' quadrangles.

Postcard geologic maps
Simplified geologic maps of many of Utah's favorite parks and recreation areas. These maps provide a good overview of the geology of a region, but necessarily simplify or omit many fine details.

7.5-minute quadrangle/1:24:000 scale maps
These maps cover 7.5 minutes of latitude by 7.5 minutes of longitude, or about 55 square miles in Utah, and are the standard series for detailed geologic mapping. In this series, one inch on the map represents 24,000 inches, or 2,000 feet, on the ground.

30x60-minute quadrangle/1:100,000 scale maps
These maps cover 30 minutes of latitude by 60 minutes of longitude, or about 1,760 square miles in Utah, and are the standard series for intermediate-scale geologic mapping. In this series, one inch on the map represents 100,000 inches, or 1.6 miles, on the ground.

1x2-degree quadrangle/1:250,000 scale maps
These maps cover 1 degree of latitude by 2 degrees of longitude and are the standard series for intermediate-scale geologic mapping. In this series, one inch on the map represents 250,000 inches, or about 4 miles, on the ground.

Analytical data
These analytical data include raw 40Ar/39Ar data, whole-rock geochemical data, and other technical laboratory analyses gathered in support of various geologic projects.

GIS geologic maps
GIS (Geographic Information System) geologic map data files are produced from published or open-filed geologic maps, and include geologic units, contacts, map symbols, and other map information.

Dept of Natural Resources Dept of Natural Resources