N C C A M: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Expanding horizons of health care

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Camille Hoover

Camille Hoover, M.S.W. Executive Officer

Camille Hoover is NCCAM's Executive Officer. In this position, she is the administrative partner with NCCAM's Director to lead and manage the organization. Her role is to identify opportunities and lead the design and implementation of innovative business and management systems. She is the Director of the Office of Administrative Operations, which is responsible for the leadership and management of all of the Center's administrative functions.

When she joined NCCAM in 2000, she was responsible for creating, from the ground up, the Center's organization, building the infrastructure, and recruiting and hiring all senior leaders. She has directed the financial management of the Center through a period of substantial growth. She has initiated innovative cost-effective partnerships with other NIH Institutes to provide critical administrative services, such as contracting, equal employment and diversity, technology transfer, and ethics that are essential for operations but costly to implement in a small organization.

In 2005, she created a novel strategic planning initiative, "Advancing Our Organization," that involved all of the Center's staff in an interactive process to assess the health of the organization and construct a plan to promote organizational growth, encourage and empower staff, and promote effective management practices.

Ms. Hoover received a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in social work from the University of Maryland. She began her career as a social worker at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She joined NIH's Clinical Center as a social worker for the Surgery Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In 1992, she became administrative officer for NCI's Surgery Branch. In 1995, she was promoted to manager of one of NCI's largest Administrative Resource Centers, where she was responsible for the leadership and oversight of more than 700 program staff within the Division of Clinical Sciences.

Ms. Hoover is an active member of several key NIH-wide corporate committees. She is a mentor to both Presidential Management Interns and Management Interns. Ms. Hoover has received many awards during her NIH career, including the NIH and NCCAM Directors Awards, NIH Merit Awards, NIH Quality of Work Life Award, and an NCI Customer Service Award.