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Release DateAgencyTitle of ReleaseFile NameRelease Time
Hide details for Mon  05/04/2009Mon 05/04/2009
Bureau of the CensusConstruction Put in Place Filetype: PDFCONST.PDF
10:00 AM
Federal Reserve BoardWeekly Selected U.S. Interest Rates (H.15) Filetype: TextINTEREST.FRB
02:30 PM
Bureau of the Public Debt13 and 26 Week Treasury Auction Results Filetype: PDFTRE-13W.PDF
02:30 PM
Federal Reserve BoardWeekly Foreign Exchange Rates (H.10) Filetype: TextEXCHANGE.TXT04:15 PM
Hide details for Tues 05/05/2009Tues 05/05/2009
Institute for Supply ManagementNon-Manufacturing Report on Business Filetype: WordNROB.DOC10:00 AM
Institute for Supply ManagementReport on Business, Semiannual Filetype: WordSEMI0905.DOC11:00 AM
Hide details for Thur 05/07/2009Thur 05/07/2009
Department of AgricultureU.S. Export Sales Filetype: Self_extractingEXPSALES.ZIP
08:30 AM
Bureau of Labor StatisticsProductivity and Costs Filetype: PDFPROD.PDF08:30 AM
Employment and Training AdministrationUnemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report Filetype: TextUCCURREN.TXT08:30 AM
Energy Information AdministrationNatural Gas Storage Report Filetype: PDFNGW.PDF10:30 AM
Federal Reserve BoardConsumer Installment Credit Filetype: TextCNCR.FRB
03:00 PM
Federal Reserve BoardFactors Affecting Reserves (H.4.1) Filetype: TextFAR.FRB
04:30 PM
Federal Reserve BoardHistorical Money Stock Filetype: Self_extractingH6HIST.EXE
04:30 PM
Federal Reserve BoardMoney Stock, Liquid Assets, and Debt Measures Filetype: TextMONEY.FRB
04:30 PM
Federal Reserve BoardAggregate Reserves (H.3) Filetype: TextRESRV.FRB
04:30 PM
Hide details for Fri  05/08/2009Fri 05/08/2009
Bureau of Labor StatisticsThe Employment Situation Filetype: PDFEMP.PDF08:30 AM
Bureau of the CensusMonthly Wholesale Trade Filetype: PDFWHSALE.PDF
10:00 AM
Economics and Statistics AdministrationSelected Economic Indicators Filetype: TextEI.TXT01:00 PM
Federal Reserve BoardBank Credit (H.8) Filetype: TextBC.FRB
04:15 PM
Federal Reserve BoardHistorical Bank Credit Filetype: Self_extractingH8HIST.EXE
04:15 PM