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The Kingdom of Tonga is a country blessed with abundant natural resources. There are rich soils, extensive reefs, rain forests and other diverse ecosystems. The economy is agriculturally based, and traditional methods incorporate agroforestry, and crop and field rotation within small family plots. In recent years, however, many factors have adversely affected Tonga. Nondegradable trash, increasing population, rural-to-urban migration, and deforestation are some environmental problems facing the kingdom.

Tongans, who are of Polynesian descent, make up the bulk of the population; however, there are also relatively small numbers from other Pacific islands, Europe and Asia. Tongan is the official language, but all government documents are in both Tongan and English. English is also used in business correspondence and is taught in primary and secondary schools.

Tonga has seen recent economic progress, with increasing squash exports to Japan, an expanding construction sector, and a growing tourist industry. However, Tonga is still beset by problems that many small island nations face. A chronic shortage of secondary teachers, especially in science and math, makes it difficult to prepare Tongans for technical jobs. Tongans also feel pressure to learn and use English while still maintaining the Tongan language and culture. With over half the population under the age of 18, Tonga also faces the challenge of a growing youth population with limited educational and economic opportunities.

Last updated Sep 28 2008

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Vital Statistics

Population Average
Program Dates
Number of Volunteers
Total Volunteers to Date
Languages Spoken
Tongan, English


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