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2009 Toll-Free Numbers for Health Information

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(unless 866/877/888 is specified)

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ABLEDATA, 227-0216

AdCARE Hospital Helpline, 252-6465

AdoptUSKids, (888) 220-4005

Aerobics and Fitness Foundation of America, 968-7263 (Consumers); 446-2322 (Professionals)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Clearinghouse, 358-9295

AIDS Info, 448-0440; (888) 480-3739 (TTY)

Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, 425-2666

Alcohol and Drug Helpline, 821-4357

Alliance for Aging Research, 639-2421

ALS Association, 782-4747

Alzheimer's Association Helpline, 272-3900

Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center, 438-4380

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 822-2762

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 213-7193

American Association of Critical Care Nurses, 899-2226

American Association of Diabetes Educators, 338-3633

American Association of Kidney Patients, 749-2257

American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc., 598-4668

American Behcet's Disease Association, 723-4238

American Brain Tumor Association, 886-2282

American Cancer Society, 227-2345 (Voice/TDD/TT)

American Chiropractic Association, 986-4636

American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association/Cleft Palate Foundation, 242-5338

American Council of the Blind, 424-8666

American Council on Alcoholism, 527-5344

American Council on Exercise, 825-3636

American Counseling Association, 347-6647

American Dental Association, 947-4746 (Catalog Sales and Service)

American Diabetes Association, 342-2383; 232-6733 (Order Fulfillment)

American Headache Society, 255-2243

American Health Assistance Foundation, 437-2423

American Heart Association, 242-8721

American Heart Association Stroke Connection, (888) 478-7653

American Institute for Cancer Research, 843-8114

American Kidney Fund, 638-8299

American Leprosy Missions (Hansen's Disease), 543-3131

American Liver Foundation, 465-4837

American Lung Association, 586-4872

American Nurses Association, 274-4262

American Occupational Therapy Association, 729-2682; 377-8555 (TDD)

American Osteopathic Association, 621-1773

American Parkinson Disease Association, 223-2732

American Podiatric Medical Association, Inc., 275-2762

American Running Association, 776-2732

American SIDS Institute, 232-7437

American Social Health Association, 227-8922

American Society for Deaf Children, 942-2732 (Voice/TTY)

American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Inc., (888) 475-2784

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 638-8255

American Thyroid Association, 849-7643

American Trauma Society, 556-7890

American Urological Association Foundation, (866) 746-4282

Americans with Disabilities Act Information Line, 514-0301 (English and Spanish); 514-0383 (TTY)

Amputee Coalition of America, (888) 267-5669

Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic, 296-3797

Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation, Inc., 747-2820

Arthritis Foundation, 283-7800

Arthritis National Research Foundation, 588-2873

Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 477-8892

Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, 755-2676

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 727-8462

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Back to Sleep SIDS Information Campaign, 505-2742

Batten Disease Support and Research Association, 448-4570

Bethany Christian Services, 238-4269

Blind Childrens Center, 222-3566

Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth, 422-4784

Braille Institute of America, 272-4553

Brain Tumor Society, 770-8287

Breast Cancer Network of Strength, 221-2141 (English); 986-9505 (Spanish)

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Calix Society, 398-0524

Cancer Hope Network, (877) 467-3638

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation, 366-2223

Captioned Media Program, National Association for the Deaf, 237-6213; 237-6819 (TTY); 538-5636 (Fax)

Caring Connections, 658-8898

CDC INFO, 232-4636; (888) 232-6348 (TTY)

CDC National Prevention Information Network, 458-5231; (888) 282-7681 (Fax)

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, (888) 723-3366

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association, 606-2682

Child Find of America, Inc., 426-5678; 292-9688

Childhelp USA® National Child Abuse Hotline, 422-4453

Child Welfare Information Gateway, 394-3366

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, 233-4050

Children's Brain Tumor Foundation, (866) 228-4673

Children's Craniofacial Association, 535-3643

Children's Hospice International, 242-4453

Children's Tumor Foundation, 323-7938

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, 225-0292

College of American Pathologists, 323-4040

Cooley's Anemia Foundation, 522-7222

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation, 223-8355; 753-2357

Covenant House Nineline, 999-9999

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Inc., 932-2423; 343-3637 (Warehouse)

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 344-4823

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DBTAC: Mid-Atlantic Americans with Disabilities Act Center, 949-4232 (Voice/TTY)

DES Action USA, 337-9288

DHHS Inspector General's Hotline, 447-8477

Dial A Hearing Screening Test, 222-3277 (Voice/TTY)

Drug-Free Workplace Helpline, 967-5752

Drug Help, 488-3784

Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, 666-3332

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, 377-3978

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Easter Seal Society, 221-6827

Eldercare Locator, 677-1116

Endometriosis Association, 992-3636

Environmental Justice Information Line, 962-6215

Epilepsy Foundation, 332-4050 (Library); 332-1000 (Publications)

Epilepsy Information Service, 642-0500

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Information Resource Center, 370-2943

EyeCare America, 222-3937

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FACES: The National Craniofacial Association, 332-2373

Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, 886-1762

Federal Emergency Management Agency, 621-3362; 480-2520

Federal Information Center, GSA, 688-9889; 326-2996 (TTY)

Fibromyalgia Network, 853-2929

First Candle/SIDS Alliance, 221-7437

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, 929-4040

Foundation Fighting Blindness, 683-5555; 683-5551 (TDD)

Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types, Inc., 545-3286

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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Helpline, (888) 340-4528

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender National Help Center, (888) 843-4564

Genetic Alliance, 336-4363

Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, (888) 205-2311; (888) 205-3223 (TTY)

Girls & Boys Town National Hotline, 448-3000; 448-1833 (TDD)

Glaucoma Research Foundation, 826-6693

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc., 548-4337

Guide Dogs for the Blind, 295-4050

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Health Care Services, National Kidney Foundation, 622-9010

Health Resources and Services Administration Information Center, (888) 275-4772; (877) 489-4772

Hear Now, 648-4327 (Voice/TDD)

Heart Information Service, 292-2221

Hepatitis Foundation International, 891-0707

Hill-Burton Free Medical Care Program, 638-0742; 492-0359 (in MD)

Histiocytosis Association of America, 548-2758

Hormone Foundation, 467-6663

HUD USER, 245-2691; 927-7589 (TDD)

Human Growth Foundation, 451-6434

Huntington's Disease Society of America, 345-4372

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Immune Deficiency Foundation, 296-4433

Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse, 438-4318

Insure Kids Now Hotline, (877) 543-7669

International Childbirth Education Association, 624-4934 (orders only)

International Chiropractors Association, 423-4690

International Dyslexia Association, 222-3123

International Essential Tremor Foundation, (888) 387-3667

International Hearing Society, 521-5247

International Rett Syndrome Association, 818-7388

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Job Accommodation Network, 232-9675 (Voice/TTY); 526-7234 (Voice/TTY)

John Tracy Clinic, 522-4582 (Voice/TDD)

Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics, 633-3849

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 533-2873

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Kidney Cancer Association, 850-9132

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La Leche League International, 525-3243

Lamaze International, 368-4404

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, (866) 542-8336 (Foster Care Helpline)

Les Turner Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation, Ltd., (888) 257-1107

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 955-4572

Liberty Godparent Home, 542-4453

Lighthouse International, 829-0500

Living Bank, 528-2971

Louisiana Center for the Blind, 234-4166

Lupus Foundation of America, 558-0121; 558-0231 (Spanish)

Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc., 886-5963

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MAGIC Foundation for Children's Growth, 362-4423

Medical Institute for Sexual Health, 892-9484

MedicAlert Foundation International, 432-5378

Medicare Issues Hotline, 633-4227; (877) 486-2048 (TTY)

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, 532-7667

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, (888) 673-6287

Muscular Dystrophy Association, 572-1717

Myasthenia Gravis Foundation, 541-5454

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National Abortion Federation, 772-9100

National Adoption Center, 862-3678

National Alliance on Mentally Illness, 950-6264

National Association for Continence, 252-3337

National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments, 562-6265

National Association for the Education of Young Children, 424-2460

National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses, Inc., 542-9730

National Bone Marrow Transplant Link, 546-5268

National Brain Injury Information Center, 444-6443

National Brain Tumor Foundation, 934-2873

National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service, 422-6237, 332-8615 (TTY)

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clearinghouse, (888) 644-6226; (866) 464-3615 (TTY); (866) 464-3616 (Fax)

National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, 232-4636; (888) 232-6348 (TTY)

National Center for Lesbian Rights, 528-6257 (Youth Legal Information Line)

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children®, 843-5678; (877) 446-2632 (Voice Mail)

National Center for Stuttering, 221-2483

National Child Care Information Center, 616-2242; 516-2242 (TTY); 716-2242 (Fax)

National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials, (866) 821-5355

National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness, 438-9376; 854-7013 (TTY)

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc., 622-2255

National Council on Problem Gambling, 522-4700

National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 851-3420, (877) 712-9279 (TTY)

National Dairy Council, 426-8271; 974-6455 (Fax)

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, 860-8747

National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, 891-5389

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, 695-0285 (Voice/TTY)

National Domestic Violence Hotline, 799-7233; 787-3224 (TDD)

National Down Syndrome Congress, 232-6372

National Down Syndrome Society Hotline, 221-4602

National Family Association for Deaf-Blind, 255-0411

National Fire Protection Association, 344-3555

National Fragile X Foundation, 688-8765

National Gaucher Foundation, 504-3189

National Hansen's Disease Programs, 642-2477

National Headache Foundation, (888) 643-5552

National Health Information Center, 336-4797

National Health Service Corps, 221-9393 (Scholarships/Loan Repayment & Job Opportunities in underserved areas)

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Health Information Line, 575-9355 (High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Information Hotline)

National Hemophilia Foundation, 424-2634

National Hispanic Family Health Helpline, (866) 783-2645

National Hispanic Prenatal Helpline, 504-7081

National Immunization Information Hotline, 232-4636; 232-6348 (TTY)

National Information Clearinghouse on Children Who Are Deaf-Blind, 438-9376; 854-7013 (TTY)

National Inhalant Prevention Coalition, 269-4237

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Information Inquiry Service, 356-4674

National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineering, 736-2216

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse, (877) 226-4267

National Institute of Mental Health Information Resource Center, (866) 615-6464, (866) 415-8051 (TTY)

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 352-9424

National Institute on Aging Information Center, 222-2225

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Information Clearinghouse, 241-1044; 241-1055 (TTY)

National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 222-5864

National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, 891-5390

National Lead Information Center, 424-5323 (Clearinghouse)

National Lekotek Center, 366-7529; 573-4446 (Voice and TTY)

National Library of Medicine, (888) 346-3656

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, 424-8567

National Life Center/Pregnancy Hotline, 848-5683

National Lymphedema Network, 541-3259

National Marfan Foundation, 862-7326

National Marrow Donor Program®, 627-7692

National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 344-4867

National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation, 473-2310, 648-2310 (Fax)

National Organization for Rare Disorders, 999-6673

National Organization for Victim Assistance, 879-6682

National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 666-6327

National Osteoporosis Foundation, 231-4222

National Parkinson Foundation, Inc., 327-4545

National Patient Travel Helpline, 296-1217

National Pesticide Information Center, 858-7378

National Program for Playground Safety, 554-7529

National Psoriasis Foundation, 723-9166

National Rehabilitation Information Center, 346-2742

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 537-2238, 553-2508 (TTY)

National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, 233-7393

National Runaway Switchboard, 786-2929; 621-0394 (TDD)

National Safety Council, 621-7619, 767-7236 (Radon Hotline)

National Spasmodic Torticollis Association, 487-8385

National Spinal Cord Injury Association, 962-9629

National Stroke Association, 787-6537

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 273-8255; 779-4889 (TTY); (888) 628-9454 (Spanish)

National Stuttering Association, 937-8888

National Technical Information Service, 553-6847

National Veterans Services Fund, 521-0198

National Women's Health Information Center, 994-9662

Neurofibromatosis, Inc., 942-6825 (Hotline)

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Office of Minority Health Resource Center, 444-6472

Office of Orphan Products Development, 300-7469

Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, 981-2663

Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases~National Resource Center, 624-2663

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Paget Foundation for Paget's Disease of Bone and Related Disorders, 237-2438

Paralyzed Veterans of America, 424-8200

Parkinson's Disease Foundation, 457-6676

PDK Foundation, 753-2873

Peer Listening Line, 399-7337

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 400-7242

Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, 888-2876

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 230-7526; 669-0156 (Order line)

Poison Help Hotline, 222-1222

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association, 926-4797

Prevent Blindness America, 331-2020

Prevent Child Abuse America, 244-5373

Pride Surveys, 279-6361

PRIDE Youth Programs, 668-9277

Project Inform HIV/AIDS Treatment Hotline, 822-7422

Public and Indian Housing Information and Resource Center, 955-2232

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Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, 656-4673

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, 221-4792

Research to Prevent Blindness, 621-0026

Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, (877) 463-6757

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Safe Drinking Water Hotline, 426-4791

Safe Sitter, 255-4089

SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, 729-6686; 662-4357; (877) 767-8432 (Spanish); 487-4889 (TDD)

SAMHSA's National Mental Health Information Center, 789-2647; (866) 889-2647 (TDD)

School Nutrition Association, 877-8822

Scleroderma Foundation, 722-4673

Scoliosis Association, 800-0669

Shaping America's Youth®, 729-9221

Shriners Hospital for Children Referral Line, 237-5055

Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc., 421-8453

Simon Foundation for Continence, 237-4666

Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation, Inc., 475-6473

Smoking Quitline of the National Cancer Institute, (877) 448-7848; 332-8615 (TTY)

Smoking, Tobacco and Health Information Line, Office on Smoking and Health, 232-4636

Social Security Administration, 772-1213

Spina Bifida Association, 621-3141

Spondylitis Association of America, 777-8189

Starlight Children's Foundation, 274-7827

Sturge-Weber Foundation, 627-5482

Stuttering Foundation of America, 992-9392

Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13 and Related Disorders, 716-7638

Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 462-9273

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The ARC of the United States, 433-5255

TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Club, Inc., 932-8677

Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc., (888) 486-8738

Trevor Helpline, (866) 488-7386

Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, 225-6872

Turner Syndrome Society of the United States, 365-9944

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United Cerebral Palsy Association, 872-5827

United Leukodystrophy Foundation, 728-5483

United Network for Organ Sharing, (888) 894-6361

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Hotline, 638-2772; 638-8270 (TDD)

U.S. Department of Agriculture Meat and Poultry Hotline, (888) 674-6854

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 827-1000

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 344-9453

U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 332-1088 (Medwatch); (888) 463-6332 (Consumer Inquiries)

U.S. Pharmacopeia Center for the Advancement of Patient Safety, 233-7767 (Medication Errors)

Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Education and Support Network, 808-7866

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Vasculitis Foundation, 227-9474

Vehicle Safety Hotline, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (888) 327-4236; 424-9153 (TTY)

Vestibular Disorders Association, 837-8428

Veterans Affairs Health Benefits Service Center, (877) 222-8387

Veterans Special Issue Helpline, 749-8387

Vision Council of America, 424-8422

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Weight Control Information Network, (877) 946-4627

Well Spouse Association, 838-0879

Wilson's Disease Association, (888) 264-1450

Women's Health America, 558-7046

Women's Sports Foundation, 227-3988

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YMCA of the USA, 872-9622

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Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, 899-4301

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