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Meet our Employees

Reading our employee's profiles is a way to learn how diverse the positions at the National Archives are! Working at the National Archives is not just for archivists....

Valoise ArmstrongValoise Armstrong, Archivist
"I work with researchers, arrange and describe collections, assist with public programs and oversee the preservation projects on textual records."

Eric BittnerEric Bittner, Archivist
"I have had a lifelong interest in history, especially western history, so I thought the internship would be a perfect fit."

Sheila MayoSheila Mayo, Archives Specialist
"I love knowing that I play a role in ensuring that all citizens are able to retrieve and review essential historical evidence in a timely manner."

John McEvoyJohn McEvoy, IT Specialist
"With the National Archives, I saw many ways that I could contribute to the present and the future of the program. "

Paul WesterPaul Wester, Director, Modern Records Programs
"The archival and records management challenges we face are immense, both in their scale and complexity. "

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Meet Our Employees

John MartinezJohn Martinez, Archives Specialist
"My duties include working on the development and maintenance of the requirements for descriptive elements and authority files."

Browse our Employee Profiles
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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272