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Health Extension

Volunteers raise awareness in communities about the need for health education. They act as catalysts for a wide range of activities, limited only by the creativity of the community and the Volunteer. Activities include identifying local leaders to teach families about maternal and child health, basic nutrition, or sanitation; setting up training on nutrition, sanitation, or oral rehydration therapy; organizing groups to raise money for needed healthcare materials; and training of people as peer educators on HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.


Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in any discipline and a demonstrated interest in community health; or be a registered nurse with a demonstrated interest in community health.


Interest in health is demonstrated through volunteer or work experience in areas such as AIDS outreach, hospice, Planned Parenthood counseling, Red Cross emergency medical technician (EMT) or CPR certification, and hands-on caregiving in a hospital, clinic, or lab setting.

Counseling or teaching can also qualify as experience for this program.

Last updated Sep 27 2008

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