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National Marine Fisheries Service
James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory Northeast Fisheries Science Center

Trawling on Hudson River figureThe Coastal Ecology Branch conducts field and laboratory studies on life habits and ecological requirements of economically important marine fishes and invertebrates to determine how they are affected by both natural processes and anthropogenic activities in the marine coastal environment. The Branch conducts research on reproductive biology and early life history of fishes to identify the physical and biological factors that control production and recruitment processes, using selected species as model systems. The Branch also conducts research on the status of living marine resource populations, determining the relative functional value of specific habitats and how habitat loss and degradation, as well as mitigation or restoration of these alterations, affects productivity and diversity.

Current research includes determining effects of mobile fishing gears on habitat, and refining designations of essential fish habitat. The Branch leads the Ecosystems Processes Division's efforts to provide needed information to users such as the NMFS Northeast Regional Office and fishery management councils and commissions.


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