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Satellite Data
Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node

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The Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node web site is designed to supply users with satellite data files and previews in near-real-time. Image data is available for a number of different regions and product data types. Access to CoastWatch satellite data is free and unrestricted.

CoastWatch users can download data files for use with one of the CoastWatch software packages, plot data using the web site online preview, or convert data to other data formats for use in GIS or scientific plotting packages.

Catalog Visual Catalog: Look through the most recent CoastWatch satellite data passes using a catalog of color images. High resolution sea surface temperatures can be immediately viewed by clicking on cloud-free areas of the coast. Query_Form Database Query: Submit a database query to the CoastWatch web server to find specific dates, regions, and types of data. The query generates a table of the CoastWatch data files online matching your criteria.
Processed Directory Processed Data Directory: Browse the CoastWatch data archive manually by navigating through a directory tree of satellite passes. Be sure to read the README file for the directory and file naming conventions. SST Anomaly SST Anomalies: View 5-day (pentad) SST anomaly maps for the Caribbean Region. Spatial resolution is 9.28 km.
Wind Data (Java) Near Real Time Wind Data: Display and retrieve surface wind data from a variety of sensors(QuikSCAT, SSMI, TMI, ERS-2, TOPEX, Jason-1, GFO and Drifters). Altimeter and GTS Data Altimeter and GTS Data: Sea Height Anomalies (SHA), geostrophic currents, and other data from GTS (drifters, XBT, ...). By Joaquin A. Trinanes and Gustavo Goni.
Upper Ocean Heat Content Upper Ocean Heat Content: Upper ocean thermal structure derived from the Sea Surface Height and Sea Surface Temperature fields. Updated daily. By Gustavo Goni and Joaquin Trinanes. Atlantic SST Atlantic SST maps: Display and retrieve daily and pentad Sea Surface Temperature maps for the Atlantic Ocean. These maps are created using data from the POES satellites.
GTS XBT & Other Data XBT Data: XBT profiles distributed via GTS. Other databases available are: Historical Kriged Drifter data, GTS TESAC and BUOY reports, ... GIF, ASCII and PDF outputs. CO2 Flux Maps CO2 Flux Maps: We have developed algorithms to create CO2 flux maps in the Caribbean using satellite data. Details can be found in Olsen, A., J. Trinanes and R. Wanninkhof,"Sea-air flux of CO2 in the Caribbean Sea estimated using in situ and remote sensing data, Remote Sensing of Environment" , 89 , 309.325, 2004.]
VRML Wind Data VRML Wind Page: Explore Global Wind data using VRML Technology. Color DataColor Data: The CoastWatch Search Interface provides access to MODIS and SeaWiFS color data for a selected geographic region. Besides Ocean Color, GOES and POES SST products are also available here.

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