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Working at Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is one of the world's most successful and respected development organizations. Part of the Peace Corps' success is due to the dedicated people who work behind the scenes to support the agency and the thousands of Volunteers serving overseas.

Peace Corps Volunteers are supported by a staff of professional employees who work at the agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C., at our 9 regional recruiting offices, and at our overseas offices throughout the world. Our employees enjoy challenging and interesting jobs. They provide program and medical support, recruit new Peace Corps Volunteers, manage overseas offices, and provide important administrative services. Peace Corps' employee benefits are the same as those at other federal government agencies and similar to those in the private sector.

The Peace Corps is a great place to begin your federal government service, to expand your international experience, or to culminate your career. It's a place where you can help make a difference in the lives of people around the world.

Find out if you qualify for Peace Corps employment.
Equal Opportunity and Peace Corps
The Peace Corps' affirmative employment program.
Salary and Benefits
Health insurance, life insurance, retirement plans, and more.
Federal Employment
The Peace Corps is an independent agency of the United States Government. Learn what that means to you.

Last updated Mar 03 2009