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Natality Data Summary

Summary This dataset has counts of births occurring within the United States to U.S. residents and non-residents. State and county are defined by the mother's place of residence recorded on the birth certificate. Data elements include demographics, medical risk factors and maternal tobacco use.
Population Live births in the United States, 1995 - 2006.


United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS),
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS),
Division of Vital Statistics,
Natality public-use data on CDC WONDER On-line Database,
for years 1995 - 2002 published November 2005, and

  • Maternal Race - Two sets of race groups are available:
    1. 1995-2002 data: American Indian (includes Aleute and Eskimo); Black; Chinese; Filipino; Guamanian; Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian); Japanese; Other Asian; White.
    2. 2003-2006 data: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White.
  • Month When Maternal Prenatal Care Began - No prenatal care; 1st month through 9th month of pregnancy; Unknown or not stated; Not on Certificate.
    Maternal Behavioral Risk Factors:
  • Tobacco use during pregnancy - Yes; No; Unknown; Not on Certificate.
    Medical Risk Factors:
  • Anemia - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Cardiac Disease - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Chronic Hypertension - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Diabetes - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Eclampsia - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Hydramnios/Oligohydramnios - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Incompetent cervix - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Lung disease (acute or chronic) - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Pregnancy-associated Hypertension - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
  • Contents: Natality Data Request
    Data Source Information
    Additional Information
    Natality Data Items
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Natality Data Request

    Output You can produce tables, maps, charts, and data extracts.

    Variables You can limit and index your data by any and all of these variables:
    1. Location - National, State and County (total population of 100,000 or more; no territories) of mother's legal residence at the time of birth.
    2. Year - 1995-2006. Two online databases are available: 1995-2002 and 2003-2006.
      Child's Characteristics:
    3. Gestational Age at Birth - Under 20 weeks; 20 - 27 weeks; 28 - 31 weeks; 32 - 35 weeks; 36 weeks; 37 - 39 weeks; 40 weeks; 41 weeks; 42 weeks; Not stated.
    4. Plurality or Multiple Birth - Single; Twin; Triplet; Quadruplet; Quintuplet or more.
    5. Sex (Gender) of Child - Female; Male.
    6. Birth Weight - 499 grams or less; 500 - 999 grams; 1000 - 1499 grams; 1500 - 1999 grams; 2000 - 2499 grams; 2500 - 2999 grams; 3000 - 3499 grams; 3500 - 3999 grams; 4000 - 4499 grams; 4500 - 4999 grams; 5000 - 8165 grams; not stated.
      Mother's Characteristics:
    7. Age of Mother - under 15 years; 5 year age groups through age 54.
    8. Maternal Education - 0 - 8 years; 9 - 11 years;12 years; 13 - 15 years; 16 years and over; Not stated; Not on Certificate.
    9. Maternal Hispanic Origin - Central or South American; Cuban; Mexican; Non-Hispanic Black; Non - Hispanic other races; Non-Hispanic White; Origin unknown or not stated; Other and Unknown Hispanic; Puerto Rican;
    10. Maternal Race - Two sets of race groups are available:
      1. 1995-2002 data: American Indian (includes Aleute and Eskimo); Black; Chinese; Filipino; Guamanian; Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian); Japanese; Other Asian; White.
      2. 2003-2006 data: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White.
    11. Month When Maternal Prenatal Care Began - No prenatal care; 1st month through 9th month of pregnancy; Unknown or not stated; Not on Certificate.
      Maternal Behavioral Risk Factors:
    12. Tobacco use during pregnancy - Yes; No; Unknown; Not on Certificate.
      Medical Risk Factors:
    13. Anemia - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    14. Cardiac Disease - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    15. Chronic Hypertension - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    16. Diabetes - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    17. Eclampsia - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    18. Hydramnios/Oligohydramnios - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    19. Incompetent cervix - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    20. Lung disease (acute or chronic) - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    21. Pregnancy-associated Hypertension - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    How? The Request screen has sections to guide you through the making a data request as step-by-step process. However, first time users might want to simply press any Send button to get the default table. The data results for your query appear on the Table screen. Click the Request tab above the table to return to the Request screen and form another query. After you get your data results, click the Chart or Map tabs to go to those screens and makes charts or maps. Click the export button above the data table to download your data table as a tab-delimited line listed file.

    For more information, see the following:

    Quick Start Guide;
    Step 1, Organize your request;
    Step 2, Select location and time;
    Step 3, Select demographics for child;
    Step 4, Select demographics for mother;
    Step 5, Select tobacco risk factors for mother;
    Step 6, Select medical risk factors for mother;
    Step 7, Other options.

    'By-Variables' Select variables that serve as keys (indexes) for organizing your data. See How do I organize my data? for more information.
    Note:    To map your data, you must select at least one geographical location as a "By-Variable" for grouping your data, such as State.
    Help Click on any button labled "Help", located to the right hand side of the screen at the top of each section. Each Control's label, such as the "Location" label next to the Location entry box, is linked to the on-line help for that item.
    Send Sends your data request to be processed on the CDC WONDER databases. The Send buttons are located on the bottom of the Request page, and also in the upper right corner of each section, for easy access.

    Step 1. Organize table layout:

    Select up to five variables to group (summarize, stratify, index) your data. For example, you could select to group your data by Year, State, Race and Gestational Age.
    How?    See How do I organize my data? for more information.

    1. To make a map, you must request data with a geographic location variable, such as State, as a "By-Variable." Then click the Map tab.
    2. You cannot make charts when your data has more than two By-Variables.
    Title  Enter any desired description to display as a title with your results.

    Step 2. Select location:

    Limit the population to specific location here. Alternately, you can leave the settings at the default values (the United States) and choose to organize or group the data results by State to show these stratifications.


    This dataset includes states (no territories) and counties with a total population over 100,000 persons. Limit your data request to specific locations here. You can select any number of locations. The default settings are national data, the United States.

    1. Click the round radio button to choose between Regions (includes Divisions, States and Counties) or States (includes Counties).
    2. See How do I use a Finder? for hints on how to search for and select your desired locations.
      • The default value is all locations (the United States).
      • See Finder Tool help for more hints.


    • About Counties: County-level data are shown for counties with populations of 100,000 persons or more. All counties with fewer than 100,000 persons are shown combined together under the label "Unknown County."
      • 1995-2002 data shows counties with a population of 100,000 persons or more in the year 1990 Census.
      • 2003-2006 data shows counties with a population of 100,000 persons or more in the year 2000 Census.
      • There are 66 more counties in the 2003-2006 data than in the 1995-2002 data.
    • About Regions and Divisions:
      • Regions and Divisions include States and Counties.
      • The regions and divisions are from the United States Census Bureau.

        Region 1 - Northeast:

        • Division 1 - New England:    Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont.
        • Division 2 - Middle Atlantic:    New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.

        Region 2 - Midwest:

        • Division 3 - East North Central:    Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin.
        • Division 4 - West North Central:    Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota.

        Region 3 - South:

        • Division 5 - South Atlantic:    Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia.
        • Division 6 - East South Central:    Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee.
        • Division 7 - West South Central:    Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas.

        Region 4 - West:

        • Division 8 - Mountain:    Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming.
        • Division 9 - Pacific:    Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington.

      • When you export the results of your data request, the location name and the codes are in separate columns.
      • To see the full list of locations and codes, group your data by Region and by Division.
    • About state and county codes:
      • State and County codes are Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) codes. See the Locations section below for more information about how county FIPS codes have been modified for use in the Natality public-use data.
      • When you export the results of your data request, the location names and the FIPS codes are in separate columns.
      • To see the full list of locations and codes, group your data by State and by County.
      • See About Counties for more information about county-level data.

    Step 3. Select years and demographics for child:

    Limit your data for any of the following data elements:

    1. Year 1995-2002, or 2003-2006.
    2. Gestational Age at Birth - Under 20 weeks; 20 - 27 weeks; 28 - 31 weeks; 32 - 35 weeks; 36 weeks; 37 - 39 weeks; 40 weeks; 41 weeks; 42 weeks; Not stated.
    3. Plurality or Multiple Birth - Single; Twin; Triplet; Quadruplet; Quintuplet or more.
    4. Sex (Gender) of Child - Female; Male.
    5. Birth Weight - 499 grams or less; 500 - 999 grams; 1000 - 1499 grams; 1500 - 1999 grams; 2000 - 2499 grams; 2500 - 2999 grams; 3000 - 3499 grams; 3500 - 3999 grams; 4000 - 4499 grams; 4500 - 4999 grams; 5000 - 8165 grams; not stated.


    Pick any combination of years desired.
    How?    See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Gestational Age at Birth

    Select a range of weeks that represents the duration of the pregnancy at the time of birth.

    How?   See How do I select items from the list box?

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns.

     Code Label
     "01" Under 20 weeks  
     "02" 20 - 27 weeks  
     "03" 28 - 31 weeks  
     "04" 32 - 35 weeks  
     "05" 36 weeks  
     "06" 37 - 39 weeks  
     "07" 40 weeks  
     "08" 41 weeks  
     "09" 42 weeks or more  
     "10" Not stated  

    Plurality or Multiple Birth

    The Plurality field indicates if more than one infant shared the gestation and birth.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns.

     Code Label
     "1"  Single 
     "2"  Twin 
     "3"  Triplet 
     "4"  Quadruplet 
     "5"  Quintuplet or higher 

    Gender of Child

    This field indicates the gender of the child at birth.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When the data results are exported to a file, two columns are shown, a column for the code value and a column for the label.

     Code Label
     "F"  Female 
     "M"  Male 

    Birth Weight

    The Birth Weight field indicates weight ranges for the child at birth.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • The categories in gram intervals and their equivalents in pounds and ounces are as follows:
      Less than 500 grams = 1 lb 1 oz or less
      500 - 999 grams = 1 lb 2 oz - 2 lb 3 oz
      1,000 - 1,499 grams = 2 lb 4 oz - 3 lb 4 oz
      1,500 - 1,999 grams = 3 lb 5 oz - 4 lb 6 oz
      2,000 - 2,499 grams = 4 lb 7 oz - 5 lb 8 oz
      2,500 - 2,999 grams = 5 lb 9 oz - 6 lb 9 oz
      3,000 - 3,499 grams = 6 lb 10 oz - 7 lb 11 oz
      3,500 - 3,999 grams = 7 lb 12 oz - 8 lb 13 oz
      4,000 - 4,499 grams = 8 lb l4 oz - 9 lb l4 oz
      4,500 - 4,999 grams = 9 lb 15 oz - 11 lb 0 oz
      5,000 grams or more = 11 lb l oz or more
    • About low birth weight:
      ICD - 9 and ICD - 10 define low birth weight as less than 2,500 grams. This is a shift of 1 gram from the previous criterion of 2,500 grams or less, which was recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1935 and adopted in 1948 by the World Health Organization in the International Lists of Diseases and Causes of Death, Sixth Revision.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, two columns are provided, a column for the code and a column for the label.

        Code Label
        "01"  499 grams or less 
        "02"  500 - 999 grams 
        "03"  1000 - 1499  
        "04"  1500 - 1999 grams 
        "05"  2000 - 2499 grams 
        "06"  2500 - 2999 grams 
        "07"  3000 - 3499 grams 
        "08"  3500 - 3999 grams 
        "09"  4000 - 4499 grams 
        "10"  4500 - 4999 grams 
        "11"  5000 - 8165 grams 
        "12"  Not stated 

    Step 4. Select demographics for mother:

    Limit your data for any of the following data elements:

    1. Age of Mother - under 15 years; 5 year age groups through age 54.
    2. Maternal Education - 0 - 8 years; 9 - 11 years;12 years; 13 - 15 years; 16 years and over; Not stated; Not on Certificate.
    3. Maternal Hispanic Origin - Central or South American; Cuban; Mexican; Non-Hispanic Black; Non - Hispanic other races; Non-Hispanic White; Origin unknown or not stated; Other and Unknown Hispanic; Puerto Rican;
    4. Maternal Race - Two sets of race groups are available:
      1. 1995-2002 data: American Indian (includes Aleute and Eskimo); Black; Chinese; Filipino; Guamanian; Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian); Japanese; Other Asian; White.
      2. 2003-2006 data: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White.
    5. Month Prenatal Care Began - No prenatal care; 1st month through 9th month of pregnancy; Unknown or not stated; Not on Certificate.

    Age of Mother

    This field indicates the age group of the mother at the time of birth.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When the data results are exported to a file, two columns are provided, a column for the Age group code value and a column for the label.

     Code Label
     "15"  Under 15 years 
     "15-19"  15 - 19 years 
     "20-24"  20 - 24 years 
     "25-29"  25 - 29 years 
     "30-34"  30 - 34 years 
     "35-39"  35 - 39 years 
     "40-44"  40 - 44 years 
     "45-49"  45 - 49 years 
     "50-54"  50 - 54 years 

    Maternal Education

    This field indicates a range for the number of years of education received by the mother at the time of birth.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • About Maternal Education data:
      Education data have been recoded to "not on certificate" for births to mothers residing in a state that used the 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth in the specified data year. All states collect information on Education, but information from the 2003 revision of the birth certificate is not comparable to the information based on the earlier certificate, which in years 2003 through 2006 was still used by a majority of the states. The following states have Education data coded to "not on certificate:"
      • For births that occurred in 2003: Pennsylvania and Washington state (2 states);
      • For births that occurred in 2004: Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington state (9 states);
      • For births that occurred in 2005: Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Washington state (13 states);
      • For births that occurred in 2006: California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington state and Wyoming . (19 states].
    • When the data results are exported to a file, two columns are provided for Maternal Education, the code value and the label.

     Code Label
     "1"  0 - 8 years 
     "2"  9 - 11 years 
     "3"  12 years 
     "4"  13 - 15 years 
     "5"  16 years and over 
     "6"  Not stated 
     "999"  Not on Certificate 

    Maternal Hispanic Origin

    This field indicates the Hispanic ethnicity of the mother.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. Public Health Information Network (PHIN) compatible codes are used when applicable.

     Code Label
     "4"  Central or South American 
     "2182-4"  Cuban 
     "2148-5"  Mexican 
     "7"  Non-Hispanic Black 
     "8"  Non - Hispanic other races 
     "6"  Non-Hispanic White 
     "9"  Origin unknown or not stated 
     "5"  Other and Unknown Hispanic 
     "2180-8"  Puerto Rican 

    Maternal Race

    Limit your data to the selected categories for the race of the mother. The default option is all race groups. Two sets of race groups are available:

    1. 1995-2002 data: American Indian (includes Aleute and Eskimo); Black; Chinese; Filipino; Guamanian; Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian); Japanese; Other Asian; White.
    2. 2003-2006 data: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White.
    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. Public Health Information Network (PHIN) compatible codes are used when applicable.

     Code Label
     "1002-5"  American Indian 
     "2054-5"  Black 
     "2034-7"  Chinese 
     "2036-2"  Filipino 
     "2076-8"  Hawaiian 
     "2039-6"  Japanese 
     "2028-9"  Other Asian 
     "2106-3"  White 

    Month Prenatal Care Began

    This field indicates the month in the pregnancy when prenatal care began.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • About Prenatal Care data:
      Prenatal Care data have been recoded to "not on certificate" for births to mothers residing in a state that used the 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth in the specified data year. All states collect information on Education and Prenatal care, but information from the 2003 revision of the birth certificate is not comparable to the information based on the earlier certificate, which in years 2003 through 2006 was still used by a majority of the states. The following states have Education data coded to "not on certificate:"
      • For births that occurred in 2003: Pennsylvania and Washington state (2 states);
      • For births that occurred in 2004: Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington state (9 states);
      • For births that occurred in 2005: Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Washington state (13 states);
      • For births that occurred in 2006: California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington state and Wyoming . (19 states].
    • When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns.

     Code Label
     "00"  No prenatal care  
     "01"  1st month  
     "02"  2nd month  
     "03"  3rd month  
     "04"  4th month  
     "05"  5th month  
     "06"  6th month  
     "07"  7th month  
     "08"  8th month  
     "09"  9th month  
     "99"  Unknown or not stated
     "999"  Not on Certificate  

    Step 5. Select tobacco risk factors for mother:

    Limit your data for the following data elements:

    1. Tobacco use during pregnancy - Yes; No; Unknown; Not on Certificate.

    Tobacco use during pregnancy

    This field indicates whether tobacco use was reported during the pregnancy.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • In the reporting years 1995-2002, data for tobacco use during pregnancy are excluded for the state of California, because California did not require reporting this risk factor. Tobacco Use data for California are reported in WONDER as "unknown."
    • In the reporting years 2003-2006, data for tobacco use during pregnancy are excluded for several states, as noted below. Tobacco Use data for these states are reported in WONDER as "not on certificate." California does not routinely collect Maternal Tobacco Use data. The other states listed have implemented the 2003 revised birth certificate, which collects smoking information differently and the data are not comparable to the data from the previous birth certificates.
      • In reporting year 2003, maternal tobacco use data for 3 states, California, Pennsylvania, and Washington have been recoded as "not on certificate."
      • In reporting year 2004, Maternal Tobacco Use data for 10 states, California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New York State (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Washington state have been recoded as "not on certificate."
      • In reporting year 2005, Maternal Tobacco Use data for 14 states, California, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York State (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Washington state have been recoded as "not on certificate."
      • In reporting year 2006, Maternal Tobacco Use data for 19 states, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington state and Wyoming have been recoded as "not on certificate."
  • When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns.

  • Step 6. Select medical risk factors for mother:

    Limit your data for any of the following data elements:

    1. Anemia - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    2. Cardiac Disease - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    3. Chronic Hypertension - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    4. Diabetes - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    5. Eclampsia - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    6. Hydramnios/Oligohydramnios - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    7. Incompetent cervix - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    8. Lung disease (acute or chronic) - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.
    9. Pregnancy-associated Hypertension - Factor reported; Factor not classifiable; Factor not on certificate; Factor not reported.

    Medical Risk Factor Codes and Labels

     Code Label
     "1"  Factor reported 
     "9"  Factor not classifiable 
     "8"  Factor not on certificate 
     "2"  Factor not reported 


    This field indicates whether anemia is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.

    Cardiac (Heart) Disease

    This field indicates whether Cardiac (Heart) Disease is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.

    Chronic Hypertension Disease

    This field indicates whether Chronic Hypertension Disease is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.


    This field indicates whether Diabetes is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.


    This field indicates whether Eclampsia is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.


    This field indicates whether Hydramnios/Oligohydramnios is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.

    Incompetent Cervix

    This field indicates whether Incompetent Cervix is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.

    Lung disease (acute or chronic)

    This field indicates whether Lung disease (acute or chronic) is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.

    Pregnancy-associated Hypertension

    This field indicates whether Pregnancy-associated Hypertension is reported as a medical risk factor.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.

    Note:    When you export the results of your data request, the labels and the codes are in separate columns. See the table showing Medical Risk Factor Codes.

    Step 7. Other options:
    Export Results   If checked, then query results are exported to a local file. More information on how to import this file into other applications can be found here.
    How?   See CheckBox.
    Show Totals   If checked, then totals and sub-totals display in the results table.
    How?   See CheckBox.
    Show Zero Values   If checked, then rows containing zero counts display in the results table. If unchecked, then zero count rows are suppressed.
    How?   See CheckBox.
    Precision   Precision is not available for this dataset because population counts are whole numbers.
    Data Access Timeout   This value specifies the maximum time to wait for the data access for a query to complete. If the data access takes too long to complete, a message will be displayed and you can increase the timeout or simplify your request. If you can't complete a request using the maximum timeout, contact user support and we will try to run a custom data request for you.

    Data Source Information

    To learn more about the methods and source of these data please refer to:

    Additional Information

    Suggested Citation United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS),
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
    National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS),
    Division of Vital Statistics,
    Natality public-use data on CDC WONDER On-line Database,
    for years 1995 - 2002 published November 2005, and
    for years 2003 - 2006 published March 2009.

    Each original annual dataset has a unique suggested citation. Please refer to Data Source Information to reference the original technical reference notes and citation for a specific year. See also NCHS - National Vital Statistics - Natality for published reports and more.

    Contact The National Center for Heath Statistics welcomes comments and questions at
    • Natality data for the United States are limited to births occurring within the United States to U.S. residents and non-residents. Births to non-residents of the United State are excluded from all tabulations by place of residence. Births occurring to U.S. citizens outside the United States are not included in this file.
    • About "Unidentified County:"
      The label "Unidentified County" designates data for combined counties in the indicated state with less than 100,000 population. Note that not all counties in a given state show births that were registered in that county. The state total displays all tabulated births for a given state. Some counties are not associated with tabulated births due to confidentiality concerns. Counties with a total population less than 100,000 report births under "Unidentified County" to protect personal privacy.
    • About Maternal Tobacco Use:
      • In the years 1995-2002, data for tobacco use during pregnancy are excluded for the state of California, because California did not require reporting this risk factor. Tobacco Use data for California for years 1995-2002 has been recoded to "unknown."
      • In the years 2003 - 2006, data are not available for all states. California does not routinely collect Maternal Tobacco Use data. The other states listed below have implemented the 2003 revised birth certificate, which collects smoking information differently and the data are not comparable to the data from the previous birth certificates.
        • In 2003, Maternal Tobacco Use data for 3 states have been recoded as "not on certificate:" California, Pennsylvania, and Washington state.
        • In 2004, Maternal Tobacco Use data for 10 states have been recoded as "not on certificate:" California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New York State (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Washington state.
        • In 2005, Maternal Tobacco Use data for 14 states have been recoded as "not on certificate:" California, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Washington state.
        • In 2006, Maternal Tobacco Use data for 19 states have been recoded as "not on certificate:" California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington state and Wyoming.
    • About Education and Prenatal Care data:
      Education and Prenatal Care data have been recoded to �not on certificate� for births to mothers residing in a state that used the 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth in the specified data year. All states collect information on Education and Prenatal care, but information from the 2003 revision of the birth certificate is not comparable to the information based on the earlier certificate, which in years 2003 - 2006 was still used by a majority of the states. The following states have Education and Prenatal Care data coded to "not on certificate:"
      • Pennsylvania and Washington state (2 states) for births that occurred in 2003;
      • Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington state (9 states) for births that occurred in 2004;
      • Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Washington state (13 states) for births that occurred in 2005;
      • California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York (excluding New York City), North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington state and Wyoming (19 states] for births that occurred in 2006.
      Education and Prenatal Care data for births to mothers residing in a state that used the 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth are available online using the VitalStats data access tool at
    • For the year 2004, all Natality data included in WONDER are reported in conformance to the reporting criteria of the mother's state of residence, rather than the actual criteria on the birth certificate issued by the state of occurrence. For example, if a baby was born in Texas to a mother legally residing in California, then only those data items reported by California are included in the WONDER data set. The original Natality 2004 public use dataset includes data fields from the birth certificate, with an associated reporting flag for each field to indicate whether the mother's state of residence reports this item.
    • Errata:   The August 2004 release of the Natality Online database in CDC WONDER erroneously displayed the births by place of occurrence, instead of place of mother's legal residence, for the years 1999 - 2002. The August 2004 release of the Natality online database was taken off-line November 12, 2004, and this problem was corrected with the February 2005 release. We apologize, and ask that any data reported from the Natality on-line database August 2004 release (available on the internet from September 10, 2004 to November 12, 2004) for the years 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 is reviewed, or documented with a note stating that for the years 1999-2002, the birth counts report the county of birth place, rather than the county of mother's legal residence.
    • Please see Frequently Asked Questions about Natality below.
    • See Locations for more information about changes to state and county areas and codes over time.

    Frequently Asked Questions about Natality

    Why are the data results sometimes very slow in returning?

    Some queries may take longer to run, such as 5-way tables or queries that sort through every record.

    Why are there no records found for a specific county?

    When viewing births sorted "by County," please note that not all counties in a given state show births that were registered in that county. The state total displays all tabulated births for a given state. Some counties are not associated with tabulated births due to confidentiality concerns. Counties with a total population less than 100,000 persons report births under "Unidentified County" to protect personal privacy. The label "Unidentified County" designates the combined counties with less than 100,000 population in the indicated state. 1995-2002 data shows counties with a population of 100,000 persons or more in the year 1990 Census. 2003-2005 data shows counties with a population of 100,000 persons or more in the year 2000 Census. There are 66 more counties in the 2003-2005 data than in the 1995-2002 data. If there are no records of births for a specific county, then request data for the entire state, grouped by County, to see the state total and the reporting counties for each state.

    What data elements are available in the Natality data?

    Please see Natality Data Items for more information.

    What other technical notes for this data are available?

    Please see the following sources:
    NCHS Natality web page
    Vital Stats Online Downloadable Data Files
    Scientific Data Documentation - Natality

    What about data from the August 2004 release?

    The August 2004 release of the Natality On-line database in CDC WONDER erroneously displayed the births by place of occurrence, instead of place of mother's legal residence, for the years 1999 - 2002. The Natality on-line database was taken off-line November 12, 2004, and this problem was corrected with the February 2005 release. We apologize, and ask that any data reported from the Natality on-line database August 2004 release (available on the internet from September 10, 2004 to November 12, 2004) for the years 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 is reviewed, or documented with a note stating that for the years 1999-2002, the birth counts report the county of birth place, rather than the county of mother's legal residence.

    Locations - About FIPS State and County Codes

    The FIPS state and county codes were established by the National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce in 1968. This standard set of codes provides names and codes for counties and county equivalents of the 50 states of the United States and the District of Columbia. Counties are considered to be the "first order subdivisions " of each State, regardless of their local designation (county, parish, borough). Washington, D.C.; the consolidated government of Columbus, Georgia; the independent cities of the States of Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia; the census areas and boroughs of Alaska; and that part of Yellowstone Park in Montana are identified as county equivalents. The system is standard throughout the Federal Government. The State codes are ascending, two-digit numbers; the county codes are ascending three-digit numbers. For both the State and county codes, space has been left for new States or counties. Some changes in the FIPS codes have occurred since 1968.

    A modified version of the FIPS state and county codes is used to identify states and counties on NCHS public-use data files. The modifications as implemented in the Natality public-use data are described below.

    Modifications of FIPS State and County Codes

    1. Counties with populations under 100,000 persons are grouped into "Unidentified Counties" (FIPS code 999) to protect privacy.
      • 1995-2002 data shows counties with a population of 100,000 persons or more in the year 1990 Census.
      • 2003-2006 data shows counties with a population of 100,000 persons or more in the year 2000 Census.
      • There are 66 more counties in the 2003-2005 data than in the 1995-2002 data.
    2. A portion of Adams county, Colorado (FIPS code 08001) was moved into Broomfield County, Colorado (FIPS code 08014), which was created effective November 15, 2001 from parts of four counties: Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld. However, this new county does not appear on this file.
    3. A portion of Boulder county, Colorado was moved into Broomfield County, Colorado (FIPS code 08014), which was created effective November 15, 2001 from parts of four counties: Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld. However, this new county does not appear on this file.
    4. A portion of Weld county, Colorado was moved into Broomfield County, Colorado (FIPS code 08014), which was created effective November 15, 2001 from parts of four counties: Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld. However, this new county does not appear on this file.
    5. Dade county, Florida (FIPS code 12025) was renamed Miami-Dade County (FIPS code 12086) effective November 13, 1997. However, the area is coded to Dade (12025) for all years.
    6. The independent city of Baltimore, Maryland (FIPS code 24510) is reported separately from Baltimore county (FIPS code 24005).
    7. The independent city of St. Lois, Missouri (FIPS code 29510) is reported separately from St. Louis county (FIPS code 29189).
    8. St. Louis county (FIPS code 29189) is reported separately from the independent city of St. Lois, Missouri (FIPS code 29510).
    9. Bronx, New York (FIPS code 36005) represents Bronx Borough, New York City.
    10. Kings county, New York (FIPS code 36047) represents Brooklyn Borough, New York City.
    11. New York county, New York (FIPS code 36061) represents Manhattan Borough, New York City.
    12. Queens, New York (FIPS code 36081) represents Queens Borough, New York City.
    13. Richmond county, New York (FIPS code 36085) represents Staten Island Borough, New York City.

    This page last reviewed: Thursday, April 16, 2009