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January 15, 2008 Interest Rate Update
January 15, 2008 

The immediate interest rate for valuing lump sum payments for the month of February 2008 is 3.25%. The deferred interest rate I1 is 4.00%, I2 is 4.00%, and I3 is 4.00%. (The immediate interest rate for January 2008 was 3.00% for lump sum payments; the deferred interest rate I1 was 4.00%, I2 was 4.00%, and I3 was 4.00%).

NOTE: The Pension Protection Act of 2006 changed the interest rate methodology to be used to determine the present value of vested benefits for purposes of the variable-rate premium (i.e., the “premium funding target”) for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2008.  Under the new rules, present value is determined using three interest rates (“spot segment rates”), each of which applies to cash flows during specified periods.  See IRC section 430(h)(2)(B) for a description of these periods.  The spot segment rates are based on the yields on high quality corporate bonds as determined by the Internal Revenue Service.  IRS publishes the spot segment rates monthly.  For premium purposes, the applicable segment rates are the rates for the month preceding the month in which the plan year begins.

See also PBGC’s proposed rule implementing changes in the variable-rate premium made by the Pension Protection Act of 2006.  The final rule will be posted on PBGC’s Web site.

The spot first, second, and third segment rates for determining the variable rate premium amount for premium payment years commencing in January 2008 are, respectively, 4.93%, 6.13% and 6.69%. Pursuant to the previous interest rate methodology, the required rate for December 2007 was 6.14%).

The select and ultimate interest rates for valuing annuity benefits in single-employer plans and multiemployer plans for the month of February 2008 are 5.50% for the first 20 years following the date of plan termination and 4.57% thereafter, respectively. (The select interest rate for January 2008 was 5.42% for the first 20 years and the ultimate rate was 4.49%).

 The interest rate that PBGC will charge on employer liability, unpaid contributions, and unpaid premiums, for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, and ending March 31, 2008, is 7.00%. (The interest rate for October 1 to December 31, 2007 was 8.00%).

 The interest rate to be charged by multiemployer pension plans on withdrawal liability payments that are overdue or in default, or that is to be credited by such plans on overpayments of withdrawal liability during the calendar quarter beginning January 1, and ending March 31, 2008, is 7.25%. (The interest rate for October 1 to December 31, 2007 was 8.25%).

 This page was updated on January 15, 2008.