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Peace Corps Response

Volunteers are actively engaged in providing much needed targeted assistance in a breadth of assignment areas, from HIV/AIDS activities, humanitarian assistance, post-conflict reconstruction projects as well as addressing critical needs in the areas of education and technology. Peace Corps Response speaks to the needs and interests of all involved stakeholders, retains the element of being responsive to unique and pressing situations, yet also enables us to continue to broaden the scope of our projects as host-country needs develop.

Using the language, technical and cross-cultural skills gained through Peace Corps service and other professional experience, Peace Corps Response allows exceptional Volunteers to return to the field in short-term, high-impact assignments that typically range from three months to a year.

Through Peace Corps Response, Volunteers re-enroll in the Peace Corps for short-term assignments ranging from three months to a year. Peace Corps Response maintains a database of COSing Volunteers and returned Peace Corps Volunteers interested in Peace Corps Response work. When requests come in for Peace Corps Response Volunteers, we search the database for candidates with the appropriate skills. We conduct telephone interviews with the candidates and check references from Peace Corps staff. If a candidate has been out of the Peace Corps for more than one year or has other relevant work experience, we also check professional references.

It is particularly important that a candidate be able to work independently, with minimal support from Peace Corps staff. As with any Peace Corps assignment, candidates must be medically and legally cleared. We make every effort to have a Peace Corps Response Volunteer at post within eight weeks of receiving a finalized position description. The positions are competitive and placement of candidates depends on required technical skills, availability, and references. If you see a position advertised and have not been contacted, please contact the Peace Corps Response office.

Peace Corps Response Volunteers generally receive the same allowances and benefits as Peace Corps Volunteers, including round-trip transportation, living and readjustment allowances, and medical care. Minimum qualifications for Peace Corps Response Volunteers include completion of at least one year of Peace Corps service, excluding training, in addition to medical and legal clearances.

Open Positions
Find out where Peace Corps Response Volunteers are needed now.
Recent Projects
Learn about recent Peace Corps Response initiatives in HIV/AIDS, disaster relief, and humanitarian response.
Where Peace Corps Response has Served
Discover where Peace Corps Response Volunteers have continued to make a difference beyond their Peace Corps service.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to your questions about Peace Corps Response.

Last updated May 04 2009

Peace Corps Response Overview

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Find out how you can contribute after your Peace Corps service ends.