Text Description of Shoreline Stabilization Methods Illustrated in .PDF Document

This document illustrates five different shoreline stabilization techniques (each called a concept) to select for use, depending on present shoreline conditions, by landowners seeking funding for shoreline stabilization projects from the Adjoining Landowners Stabilization Program (ALSP).

Each Concept shows levels for Set-up, Maximum Daily Water Level, Average Summer Water Level and Average Minimum Daily Water Level, and also notes the Existing Slope.

Concept 1 illustrates the use of sheetpile.

Concept 2 illustrates the use of geotextile, plantings, rip rap, and filter cloth.

Concept 3 illustrates the use of geotextile, plantings, and filter cloth.

Concept 4 illustrates the use of stacked boulders with filter stone and cloth.

Concept 5 illustrates the use of an “H” beam and squared timber retaining wall.