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New York Power Authority

St. Lawrence-FDR Power Project


Adjoining Landowner Stabilization Program


Please refer to the instructions for completing this form.

Mail the completed application to:         New York Power Authority

                                                            830 Barnhart Island Road

                                                            Massena, NY  13662

                                                            Attn: Dan Parker, Sr. Licensing Specialist


Section 1  Applicant Information  1. Name: ________________________Signature: _______________________


2.  Address: _______________________________________________________________________________


3  City/ Town: ______________________________  4. State: ______________   5. Zip code: _____________


6.  Telephone number: ___________________________  7. Best time to contact: _______________ AM / PM


8.  Email address: __________________________________________________________________________

Section 2 Site Information      1. Site address: _______________________________________________________


2.  Town: _______________________________________  3. Length of site: ____________________ feet


4.  Height of bank: _______________________ feet            5.  Rate of erosion: ______________ feet per year


6.  Basis of erosion estimate: ___________________________________________________________________





7.  Additional information: ____________________________________________________________________





8.  Name of and distance to nearest infrastructure: __________________________________________________



9.  Has any prior stabilization work occurred at this site?                Yes                  No


10. If so, please describe prior work and present condition: ___________________________________________




11. Permits obtained for prior work or this proposal: __________________________________________________




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New York Power Authority

St. Lawrence FDR Power Project


Adjoining Landowner Stabilization Program



Section 3  Proposed Work


1.  Are you requesting that NYPA select the most appropriate method of stabilization? 

_____ Yes.  A shoreline stabilization expert will review the site and select an appropriate method using one of the five concepts identified in the Shoreline Stabilization Plan.  The selected method will be reviewed with you prior to forwarding the application to the Board.  NYPA will apply for all necessary permits and construct the stabilization measures unless you indicate that you or your contractor will do the work.

_____ No. You must select a method of stabilization in order for the application to be complete. Proceed to Item 2 or Item 3.

2.  If you have selected a concept identified in the Shoreline Stabilization Plan (SSP), complete items a - h below.  A shoreline stabilization expert will review the proposed method.  If the expert determines that the necessary stabilization work can be accomplished by a different, more cost-effective method than the method you propose, then any additional cost of your proposed method must be funded by you, IF the application is approved for funding by the Board.

a.  Which concept have you selected (see application instructions)?              Concept   _____

b.  Are you requesting engineering assistance from NYPA?
                                      Yes                  No

c.  Are you requesting permitting assistance from NYPA?
                                      Yes                  No

d.  Proposed work will be accomplished by:

 ___ Applicant (including a contractor hired by the applicant)

___ NYPA

e.  If a sketch or design for the site has been prepared, attach a copy of that sketch or design to this application.

f.   If an estimated cost for this proposal has been generated, please indicate the amount: $

g.  Are you proposing a cost sharing arrangement for this work?                             Yes                  No

h.  If so, what percent of the proposal cost are you requesting from the Adjoining Landowner Stabilization Program?           %

3.  If you have selected a shoreline stabilization design that is not a concept identified in the SSP, complete items a through e below.  A shoreline stabilization expert will review the proposed method.  If the expert determines that the necessary stabilization work can be accomplished by a different, more cost-effective method your proposed method, then any additional cost of your proposed method must be funded by you, IF the application is approved for funding by the Board.

a.  Are you requesting permitting assistance from NYPA?                                      Yes                 No

b.  A sketch, drawing, or description of the method proposed for the site is required.  Attach a copy of that sketch, drawing, or description to this application.

c.  If an estimated cost for this proposal has been generated, please indicate the amount: $

d.  Are you proposing a cost sharing arrangement for this work?                             Yes                  No

e.  If so, what percent of the proposal cost are you requesting from the Adjoining Landowner Stabilization Program?          %

4.  Please attach at least three (3) representative photographs of the site to this application.  Indicate where each photograph is taken from and in what direction.