Peace Corps

RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format used to share and distribute Web content, such as news headlines and upcoming events. Using an RSS reader, you can view data feeds from various sources, such as

To view one of the feeds in your RSS reader:
1. Copy the URL/shortcut that corresponds to the topic that interests you.
2. Paste the URL into your reader.


World Wise Schools Update

RSS Feed
World Wise Schools Update delivers headlines and links to fresh content based on Peace Corps Volunteers' experiences in the field, all produced by the Peace Corps Coverdell World Wise Schools program. Subscribe below.

World Wise Schools Update
Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo


Volunteer Voices

Podcast Feed
Volunteer Voices are audio podcasts of Peace Corps Volunteers’ experiences in the field produced by the Peace Corps Coverdell World Wise Schools program. Subscribe to all the stories from Volunteer Voices or subscribe by topic.

Volunteer Voices (All stories)
Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo

Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo

Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo

Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo

Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo

Folk Tales
Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo

Overseas Phone Calls
Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo

Peace Corps General Information

RSS Feed
Includes news releases, photos, and stories from the field:

Peace Corps News Mix
Add to: Google, MyAOL, MyYahoo


RSS Readers

RSS readers (also called aggregators) will download and display RSS feeds for you. A number of free and commercial news aggregators are available for download. Many aggregators are separate, "stand-alone" programs; other services will let you add RSS feeds to a web page.

Below, we have listed a few of the common RSS Readers.

Amphetadesk – Windows, Mac, Linux (open source)

Bloglines – Web-based news aggregator

FeedDemon – Windows

Feedreader – Windows (open source)

Google Reader – Web-based news aggregator

My Yahoo! – Web-based news aggregator

NewsFire – Mac OS X

RSS Reader – Windows

Sage RSS Reader – Integrates with the Firefox web browser


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