Managing the Nuclear Legacy
Dealing with the past
Protecting the future

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has strategic responsibility for the UK's nuclear legacy. We are decommissioning a number of civil public sector nuclear sites safely, securely, and cost effectively, whilst protecting the environment.

Find out more About the NDA, and Our Strategy

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Latest News

29 April 2009
Land auction winning bidders
NDA's auction process for the disposal of land adjacent to three existing nuclear sites has successfully concluded.

09 April 2009
Bidding continues for land
Bidding for land at Nuclear Decommissioning Authority sites is set to continue after an Easter recess.

01 April 2009
Business Plan to provide sharper focus on delivery
NDA publishes its Business Plan for 2009 to 2012, following a public consultation and ministerial approval.

01 April 2009
UK HAW Storage Review published
NDA has published a review of interim storage for Higher Activity Waste (HAW) within the UK.

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Our Sites

The UK's civil nuclear liability covers sites in England, Scotland and Wales. They range from research facilities to power stations.

Geological Disposal

Schematic representation of a generic co-located geological disposal facility

We are responsible for planning and implementing a geological disposal facility in the UK.

UK Radioactive Waste Inventory

Cover of the UK Waste Inventory 2007

For comprehensive and up-to-date information on radioactive waste in the United Kingdom see:

PDF 2007 UK Radioactive Waste Inventory Main Report (3Mb)