NOAA Pacific Services Center
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Pacific Risk Management `Ohana (PRiMO)

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PRiMO, the `ohana (family) of risk management partners and stakeholders in the Pacific, strives to improve the development and delivery of risk management-related information products and services in the Pacific.

PRiMO is based on a mutual recognition of the benefits of collective action, and acknowledges the need for local, national, and regional participation to achieve effective hazard mitigation and dissemination of information. The PRiMO Navigators Council and hui o hana (working groups) members include representatives from agencies, institutions, and private and non-profit organizations.

For more information, including our March 2009 meeting, visit

Hui News

The Data Analysis and Decision Support Tools Hui has committed to developing an inventory of existing data analysis and decision support tools. This inventory is a first step towards enhancing the development and delivery of information products and services in the Pacific. This initial effort is focused on identifying those tools currently in use or that could be of use in the Pacific. The document is intended to be a continual work in progress. Download a draft version of the inventory (PDF, 694 KB).

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Updated on February 06, 2009
NOAA Pacific Services Center
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2250
Honolulu, HI 96813-3213