Software & Utilities

CoastWatch Software Library and Utilities v3.2.3

The CoastWatch Software Library and Utilities is a package of software tools for working with earth data sets distributed by the NOAA/NESDIS CoastWatch program. The tools allow data users to easily manipulate and visualize data from the newer CoastWatch HDF files (local and network-accessible), the older CoastWatch IMGMAP files (.cwf extension), and NOAA 1b AVHRR. The CoastWatch Utilities use native I/O libraries compiled in 32-bit mode. Currently there is no 64-bit support for Linux.

The CoastWatch Utilities have both graphical tools with a point-and-click interface and command-line tools for use in batch data processing scripts. The tools can perform various types of tasks:

Information and Statistics
File contents, statistics computations on variables (for example min, max, mean, standard deviation), direct access to raw file and variable attributes.
Data Processing
Data format conversions, compositing, generic variable math, data sampling.
Graphics and Visualization
Interactive visualization/analysis, batch image rendering, ancillary graphics creation such as data coverage maps, grids, coastlines, landmasks.
Registration and Navigation
Resampling of data from one projection to another, interactive generation of region masters, manual and automatic navigational correction, computation of solar and earth location angles.
Data download and server status.

New Features

New features in the 3.2.3 release include:

  • Support for NOAA KLMN 1b format AMSU and MHS data files.
  • Improved support for GRIB 2 format files.
  • Improved performance when working with large ACSPO and CoastWatch HDF swath data files.
See the User's Guide Appendix G for a full list of new features and bug fixes.


The following are screenshots from the CoastWatch Data Analysis Tool (CDAT):

Figure 1: Thermal AVHRR data showing Typhoon
Nida east of the Philippines (Mac)

Figure 2: Sea surface temperature from AVHRR
off Baja California, Mexico (Mac)

Figure 3: Coral Reef Watch sea surface temperature
anomaly showing Atlantic and Pacific

Figure 4: Global coverage ocean surface
windspeed from NASA's QuikSCAT satellite



  • The CoastWatch Utilities Version 3, presented at the CoastWatch Node Managers Meeting, October 2003, Glen Arbor, Michigan. Topics covered: Software requirements (website, research, product development), implementation details (survey of all utilities), future work to be done.
  • The CoastWatch Data Analyis Tool, presented at the CoastWatch Node Managers Meeting, October 2003, Glen Arbor, Michigan. Topics covered: Target user groups, functionality (data import/export, display, annotation, statistics, preferences), demonstration (not included), future work to be done.


  • The CoastWatch Utilities Version 3.2: CoastWatch Data Made Easy, presented at the CoastWatch Node Managers Meeting, October 2005, Pacific Grove, California. Topics covered: Common tasks performed by the utilities, types of documentation available, details on software development (requirements and users), demonstration (not included).


  • The CoastWatch Utilities: Ten Years in the Making, presented at the CoastWatch Operations Managers Meeting, June 2007, Annapolis, Maryland. Topics covered: General information about the utilities, features and statistics for the current release (3.2.1), ideas for future releases.
  • Ad-hoc Processing with the CoastWatch Utilities, presented at the CoastWatch Operations Managers Meeting, June 2007, Annapolis, Maryland. Topics covered: Extracting information from data files (metadata, statistics, sampling), data processing (reprojection, math), custom code (data interfaces, file interfaces).
  • CoastWatch Data in Google Earth: A How-to Guide, presented at the CoastWatch Operations Managers Meeting, June 2007, Annapolis, Maryland. Topics covered: Google Earth features in comparison to CDAT, preparing data images and markup code, demonstration with AVHRR swath and GOES SST data.


  • The CoastWatch Data Analysis Tool: Status and Future, presented at the CoastWatch Node Managers Meeting, August 2008, Victoria, BC. Topics covered: history of CDAT and its ongoing development, new features in release 3.2.2, current user stats, future release ideas.


  • CoastWatch Data Analysis Tool: Software Design Review, presented to the CoastWatch Program Manager, central operations team, and node operations managers, January 2008. Topics covered: proposed software design including simplified user interface, data aggregation, 4D-aware interface, tile mode and animation support, and geographic feature support.


Download the package by choosing the appropriate operating system and package type below. For help with installation, consult the Installation Notes section of the User's Guide.

If clicking the drop-down boxes above does not show a list of operating systems and package types, choose directly from a full list of packages. You can optionally verify the download using the MD5SUM code.