We see you as...

This is the information your browser is reporting to our server:
Your IP Address is:
Your DNS entry is: dp01.cdlib.org
Reverse DNS lookup... succeeds
Your remote user name is: (none)
Your browser is: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.1 +http://www.cdlib.org/)
Your referering page is: http://acweb.fsl.noaa.gov/

This is information about our server:
This server is: amdar.noaa.gov
You are connected on port: 80
Our server protocol is: HTTP/1.1
The current time is: 05-May-09-2305 UTC
If your DNS entry is all numbers, or if your Reverse DNS lookup FAILS, then you do not have a proper DNS entry and will not be able to access areas of these web pages that use reverse DNS mapping. (I.E. Those restricted to .noaa.gov, or other specific domains.) This is something that will have to corrected by your system administrator or the organization that provides your IP Addresses.

If you believe that the problem is at our end, send this page and your comments to Bill Moninger.

Last modified: Fri Nov 2 08:44:28 MST 2007