Adjoining Landowner Stabilization Program (ALSP)
Information and Forms

Towns of Massena, Louisville and Waddington
in collaboration with
New York Power Authority
St. Lawrence-FDR Power Project

The Towns of Massena, Louisville and Waddington, in collaboration with the New York Power Authority (NYPA), have announced the Adjoining Landowner Stabilization Program, for St. Lawrence River shoreline properties at the boundary of NYPA’s St. Lawrence-Franklin D. Roosevelt Power Project.

The Adjoining Landowner Stabilization Board (ALSB) will administer the program, with funding from NYPA. The board consists of representatives of the three towns and the Power Authority.  Representing the Town of Massena is Charles Raiti; the Town of Louisville, Dalton Foster; and the Town of Waddington, William Shoen.  The ASLB held a public information meeting in Louisville on July 14.

The program is part of a new federal license issued for the St. Lawrence–FDR Project in 2003, and agreed to by the Local Government Task Force, which represented municipal interests during the license process.

Landowners abutting the St. Lawrence-FDR Project boundary may submit an application to the ASLB for funding for shoreline stabilization work.  The ASLB will review and approve applications totaling up to $125,000, which the board has available each year. Applications not approved will be considered in a future year.  The program is planned to be in place for eight to 10 years.

This web page provides the information you will need to apply for funding:

Instructions for filling out your application to the ALSB

Application forms

Shoreline covered by ALSP

Approved conceptual shoreline stabilization methods - illustrations

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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