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Watershed Characterizations

NOAA Fisheries Service is dedicated to the stewardship of living marine resources through science-based conservation and management, and the promotion of healthy ecosystems. As a steward, NOAA Fisheries Service conserves, protects, and manages living marine resources in a way that ensures their continuation as functioning components of marine ecosystems. For the Santa Rosa jurisdictional area of the Services’ Southwest Region that means dealing primarily with salmon and steelhead in their freshwater component.

In order to ensure that the best science-based inquiries are conducted, comprehensive watershed inventories need to be available to staff biologists. To achieve that end, the Habitat Conservation Division is creating Watershed Characterization portfolios for each of the watersheds that fall within Santa Rosa’s regional domain (coastal streams in Mendocino County south to Monterey County inclusive and San Francisco Bay tributaries). Each portfolio provides statistics and maps that describe the watershed in detail. All the data portrayed is from publically available sources but it has been arrayed in such a manner as to provide a quick and thorough overview of the health and resources of each watershed.

Check back occasionally for updates to this profile list as our goal is to create characterizations for the 80-plus watersheds in Santa Rosa's domain.

Contact: Charleen Gavette

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and quality. However, NOAA Fisheries Service does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or usefulness of any information. Nor does NOAA Fisheries Service warrant the positional or thematic accuracy of the GIS data. The data and cartographic files are not legal representations of the depicted data. Information shown on these maps is derived from public records that are constantly undergoing change. This information is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and no responsibility is assumed for anyone's use of the information.


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