U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board

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NWTRB Site Information
Updated December 16, 2002

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Contact Information

U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
2300 Clarendon Boulevard
Suite 1300
Arlington, VA 22201
Telephone: (703) 235-4473
Fax: (703) 235-4495
Contact: NWTRB


Site Help

NWTRB makes wide use of MS Office 2000 and PDF documents in its day to day operations. Consequently, many documents on this web site are made available these formats.

Help with Adobe PDF Documents:

Many documents on the NWTRB web site are published using Adobe's® Portable Document Format (PDF) version 5.0 and may be displayed or printed exactly as we created them. To display or print the document, you must download the free Acrobat® Reader 5.0 from the Adobe web site. The Acrobat® Reader allows anyone to view, navigate, and print PDF documents. Follow the easy instructions included with the Acrobat Reader software to install Acrobat® Reader on your computer. Then click any PDF file to view, navigate, or print it.

If you have questions related to the NWTRB website, please contact NWTRB

Help with Microsoft Word Documents:

A common solution for viewers without Microsoft Office 2000 software is to acquire and use a Word Viewer. The viewer is a freeware product that allows you to view and print Microsoft Word documents. You may download the latest verions of the viewer here: http://hotfiles.zdnet.com/. The latest version can also open documents created with all previous versions of Word for Windows and version 4.x and above of Microsoft Word for Macintosh®. You cannot edit an open document in Word Viewer. However, you can copy text to the Clipboard to paste it in other applications. Microsoft encourages distribution of this Word Viewer with Word documents to people who do not have Microsoft Word. For more help with MS Word, you can visit the Microsoft Office Support Page.

If you have questions related to the NWTRB website, please contact NWTRB

NWTRB Privacy Policy

The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board will collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information. The only information the NWTRB automatically collects is the visitor's Internet domain and Internet Protocol address, the type of browser and operating system used to access the site, the file visited and the time spent in each file, and the time and date of the visit.

If you have comments about the NWTRB privacy policy contact NWTRB.


The The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board has recently redesigned its web site to meet Section 508 Accessibility standards. If you experience any accessibility problems at this site or need specific documents in another format, please contact us.

If you have comments about the accessibility of the site, contact NWTRB.
