Coral-List -- NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program (CHAMP) listserver for coral reef information and news


About Coral-List
English (USA)

The purpose of the Coral-List listserver is to provide a forum for Internet discussions and announcements among coral health researchers pertaining to coral reef health and monitoring throughout the world. The list is primarily for use by coral health researchers and scientists. Currently, about 5,000 researchers are subscribed to the list. Appropriate subjects for discussion might include:

  • bleaching events
  • outbreaks of coral diseases
  • high predation on coral reefs
  • environmental monitoring sites
  • incidences of coral spawning
  • shipwrecks on reefs
  • international meetings and symposia
  • funding opportunities
  • marine sanctuary news
  • new coral-related publications
  • announcements of college courses in coral reef ecology
  • coral research initiatives
  • new and historical data availability
  • controversial topics in coral reef ecology
  • recent reports on coral research
  • Messages with solicitations of a commercial or political nature, inflamatory commentary and other messages not appropriate for the coral-list venue will not be approved for posting; these are messages categorized as follows:

    the pursuit of private commercial business activities or profit-making ventures

    - matters directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group
    - prohibited direct or indirect lobbying
    - use of Internet sites that result in an additional charge to the Government
    - engaging in prohibited discriminatory conduct
    - the obtaining or viewing of sexually explicit material
    - any activity that would bring discredit on the Department of Commerce
    - any violation of statute or regulation.

    Lobbying Prohibited - Internet services (such as e-mail list subscription services) of Department of Commerce organizations shall not be used for direct or indirect lobbying or posting of links to web pages that engage in such activities. Direct lobbying is defined as encouraging members of the public to contact Congress to support or oppose any pending legislation. Indirect lobbying would be posting links to any Web page that engages in lobbying or encourages such activity, or that engages in lobbying or posting links directly to any page that does.

    Any postings made to the coral-list list server are not the views of the Federal Government, inclusive of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce/OAR/NOAA/AOML.

    For further information concerning official U.S. Dept. of Commerce policies please refer to the following links:

    To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Coral-List Archives.

    Using Coral-List
    To post a message to all the list members, send email, preferably in plain text (ASCII), to

    Please do NOT attach pictures, documents or tag-lines (they will be stripped off anyway).

    You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing subscription, in the sections below.

    Subscribing to Coral-List

    Subscribe to Coral-List by filling out the following form. You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

      Your email address:  
      Your name (optional):  
      You may enter a privacy password below. This provides only mild security, but should prevent others from messing with your subscription. Do not use a valuable password as it will occasionally be emailed back to you in cleartext.

      If you choose not to enter a password, one will be automatically generated for you, and it will be sent to you once you've confirmed your subscription. You can always request a mail-back of your password when you edit your personal options. Once a month, your password will be emailed to you as a reminder.

      Pick a password:  
      Reenter password to confirm:  
      Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest? No Yes

    Coral-List Subscribers
    (The subscribers list is only available to the list administrator.)

    Enter your admin address and password to visit the subscribers list:

    Admin address: Password:   

    To unsubscribe from Coral-List, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address:

    If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address

    Coral-List info page.
    Coral-List administrative interface (requires authorization)
    Overview of all available mailing lists