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ICON/CREWS Data & Info Products
IMN-Integrated Monitoring Network Database


CLEO-Coral Literature, Education & Outreach



Coral List Server




Interactive Tours




Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Coral Reefs?
> What is a coral?
> What is a coral reef?
> Where are corals and coral reefs found?
How fast do coral reefs grow?

Coral Reef Biology
What plants and animals are found on and near coral reefs?
> Why are there so many other plants and animals on coral reefs?
> Why are there so many different kinds of fishes?
Why are they easily caught?
What ecological roles do they play on coral reefs?
What happens to the reef when the top predators disappear?
What happens to the reef when the herbivores (fish, sea urchins) disappear?
What is coral bleaching?
What are coral reef diseases?
Where can I find out about coral reef diseases?
Where can I find out more about coral reef symbioses?

Coral Reefs and Governments
> What is the U.S. Government doing about Coral Reefs?
> What are non-U.S. Governments doing about Coral Reefs?
> What have U.S. Presidents done about Coral Reefs?
Where are marine sanctuaries that protect coral reef areas?
What is the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force and where can I find out more about it?
What is the International Coral Reef Initiative?
How can I let my congressman or senator know I am concerned?

Coral Reefs and Private Organizations
> What non-profit agencies are involved in the protection of coral reefs?

Coral Reefs, Schools, and Higher Learning
> Where can I find coral information for my school paper?
> Where can I find a good college for coral reef studies?
> Where are some coral reef marine laboratories for summer study?

Coral Reef Research
> What’s this I hear about coral reefs and global climate change?
> Are there online coral literature resources available?

Coral Reefs and Commerce
> How much are coral reefs actually worth?
> How important are coral reefs to commercial and sport fishing?
> How does the marine aquarium industry affect coral reefs?

Coral Reefs and the Internet
> Where are some good links to coral reef web pages?
> Are there any listservers about coral reefs?
> How is the Internet used to help Coral Reef Research?


assorted coral images


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Original Web Design by Monika Gurnée. Web site maintained by Lew Gramer
Site last modified: December 15, 2006