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    Spring 2009

    Check out the Sanctuaries on YouTube
    "Discover the marine life and extraordinary habitats that make up your nation's 13 national marine sanctuaries and one marine national monument. And find out more about continuing efforts to conserve these ocean and coastal treasures."

    Updated CINMS Events Calendar for second quarter 2009

    New NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco of Oregon State University and the Pew Oceans Commission was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on March 19, 2009, as the under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere. She will serve as the ninth administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Dr. Lubchenco is the first woman and the first marine ecologist to lead NOAA.

    Management Plan Revised regulations for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary took legal effect on March 19, 2009. With the revised regulations now in effect, the management plan revision process has been completed.

    Highlights of the regulatory changes include:
    -protecting natural ecosystems from the introduction of non-native species
    -protecting the area’s water quality by prohibiting harmful vessel discharges
    -prohibiting discharges beyond the boundary of the sanctuary that enter and damage the sanctuary’s resources
    -improving habitat protection by limiting or prohibiting activities that impact the sea floor.

    See link above for the complete management plan and regulatory language.

    *Don't miss our From Shore to Sea Lectures in Santa Barbara & Ventura the 2nd consecutive Tuesday & Wednesday of each month!

    . John Calombokidis from Cascadia Research Collective will share his expertise and research on Northeast Pacific blue and humpback whales with the public on May 12 & 13 as part of the From Shore to Sea Lecture Series pdf

    State of the Sanctuaries Report Our ocean and its creatures have never been more in need of our help. Today, perhaps as never before, our National Marine Sanctuary System is part of a larger means to address the fundamental problems confronting the nation. National marine sanctuaries offer more than just the protection of special marine areas; these special places provide opportunities to address many of the critical problems of our time, such as climate change and adaptation, sustainable economies, and national security. This accomplishments report begins our dialogue with you: our exploration of how we can move forward together, making solutions part of our daily lives. Also, see the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary accomplishments report.

    Sanctuary Advisory Council Superintendent’s Report
    Reading this report is a great way to stay up to date on the activities of the various departments within the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary - Research, Monitoring, Education, Volunteers and Outreach, Maritime Heritage, Management and more!

    New Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring Program Web page Socioeconomic studies are now available online about how people use the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Information gathered from monitoring activities helps determine the effects the Sanctuary is having on both biological and cultural communities and provides staff with information to improve Sanctuary management.

    National Ocean Service Podcast
    NOAA’s National Ocean Service has a weekly podcast series on marine topics called Making Waves. The third in the series was on CINMS Whale Monitoring.


    Thank You Ocean logoThe Thank You Ocean Report
    focuses on interesting and exciting California ocean topics such as marine mammals, the latest news on ocean health, timely ocean issues and fascinating ocean facts. Stories feature interviews with ocean experts, explorers, scientists, conservationists, government and business leaders. Listeners learn about ocean activities and recreation, surfing, fishing, boating, and the many ways we all can thank the ocean through conservation and stewardship. Check out the latest podcast.


    2009 Ground-Breaking Planned for CINMS/UCSB Ocean Science Education Building The Ocean Science Education Building will house the Outreach Center for Teaching Ocean Science (OCTOS) and incorporate the educational outreach programs of UCSB's Marine Science Institute (MSI) and the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS). Half of the building will house OCTOS and include state-of-the-art interactive exhibits in marine science. The balance of the structure will be a new home for CINMS administrative offices. See recent UCSB Press Release here

    November 2008 - Protecting your Channel Islands Brochure (with Marine Reserves Map) pdf (4.6MB)


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Revised April 30, 2009 by The CINMS webmaster
National Ocean Service | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | U.S. Department of Commerce

channelislands.noaa.gov /focus/wnew.html